Computer Science

NROFF(1)                                                 NROFF(1)

       nroff - emulate nroff command with groff

       nroff [ -h ] [ -i ] [ -mname ] [ -nnum ] [ -olist ] [ -rcn
       ] [ -Tname ] [ file...  ]

       The nroff script emulates the nroff command  using  groff.
       The -T option with an argument other than ascii and latin1
       will be ignored.  The  -h  option  is  equivalent  to  the
       grotty  -h option.  The -i, -n, -m, -o and -r options have
       the effect  described  in  troff(1).   In  addition  nroff
       silently ignores options of -e, -q or -s.

       groff(1), troff(1), grotty(1)

Groff Version 1.11         26 June 1995                         1

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