Computer Science

nlmconv(1)            GNU Development Tools            nlmconv(1)

       nlmconv - converts object code into an NLM

              [-I bfdname | --input-target=bfdname]
              [-O bfdname | --output-target=bfdname]
              [-T headerfile | --header-file=headerfile]
              [-V | --version] [--help] infile outfile

       nlmconv converts the relocatable object file infile into
       the NetWare Loadable Module outfile, optionally reading
       headerfile for NLM header information.  For instructions
       on writing the NLM command file language used in header
       files, see The NetWare Tool Maker Specification Manual,
       available from Novell, Inc.  nlmconv currently works with
       i386 object files in COFF, ELF, or a.out format, and with
       SPARC object files in ELF or a.out format.
       nlmconv uses the GNU Binary File Descriptor library to
       read infile.

       -I bfdname, --input-target=bfdname
              Consider the source file's object format to be
              bfdname, rather than attempting to deduce it.

       -O bfdname, --output-target=bfdname
              Write the output file using the object format
              bfdname.  nlmconv infers the output format based on
              the input format, e.g. for an i386 input file the
              output format is nlm32-i386.

       -T headerfile, --header-file=headerfile
              Reads headerfile for NLM header information.  For
              instructions on writing the NLM command file
              language used in header files, see The NetWare Tool
              Maker Specification Manual, available from Novell,

       -V, --version
              Show the version number of nlmconv and exit.

       -h, --help
              Show a summary of the options to nlmconv and exit.

       `binutils' entry in info; The GNU Binary Utilities, Roland
       H. Pesch (June 1993).

       Copyright (c) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

       Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim
       copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and
       this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

       Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified
       versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim
       copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work
       is distributed under the terms of a permission notice
       identical to this one.

       Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations
       of this manual into another language, under the above
       conditions for modified versions, except that this
       permission notice may be included in translations approved
       by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original

cygnus support              March 1996                          1

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