Computer Science

NEWALIAS(1L)                                         NEWALIAS(1L)

       newalias - install new elm aliases for user and/or system

       newalias [-g]

       Newalias creates new hash and data files from a text file.
       If the program is invoked with the -g (global)  flag,  the
       program  updates  the  system alias files.  Otherwise, the
       program looks for a  file  called  $HOME/.elm/aliases.text
       and,      upon      finding      it,     creates     files
       $HOME/.elm/aliases.dir,     $HOME/.elm/aliases.pag     and
       $HOME/.elm/aliases for the elm program.

       The format that the program expects is;

            alias, alias, .. = comment = address
            alias, alias, .. = comment = alias, alias, ...

       The first form is for an individual user such as;

            dave, taylor = Dave Taylor = veeger!hpcnou!dat

       or optionally as;

            dave, taylor = Taylor; Dave = veeger!hpcnou!dat

       to allow the aliases to be properly sorted by last name.

       The second is for defining a group alias such as;

            gurus = Unix Gurus = alan, john, dave, mike, richard,
                              larry, t_richardson

       Note  that lines can be continued at will, blank lines are
       accepted without error, and that any  line  starting  with
       '#' is considered a comment and is not processed.

       If  the `comment', or `address' fields need to contain `='
       characters, those characters must either be escaped  using
       a  backslash  character or the address must be inside dou-
       blequotes (`"').

       Aliases are case insensitive so dave and Dave are both the
       same alias.

       Finally, aliases can contain other aliases, and/or groups;

            unix = Unix people = gurus, taylor, jonboy

       $HOME/.elm/aliases.text         alias source for user
       $HOME/.elm/aliases.dir          alias  dbz  directory  for
       $HOME/.elm/aliases.pag           alias  dbz  hash file for
       $HOME/.elm/aliases              alias data file for user
       /usr/local/lib/aliases.text     alias source for system
       /usr/local/lib/aliases.dir      alias  dbz  directory  for
       /usr/local/lib/aliases.pag       alias data hash table for
       /usr/local/lib/aliases          alias data file for system

       Elm Development Group

       elm(1L), elmalias(1L), checkalias(1L), mail(1), mailx(1)

       Newalias  has a couple of descriptive error messages which
       don't need to be detailed here.   It  is,  however,  worth
       noting  that  the checkalias program can be used to ensure
       that the aliases are in the proper order and are available
       for the elm system.

       Bill Pemberton

       Copyright 1988-1995 by The USENET Community Trust
       Derived from Elm 2.0,  Copyright 1986, 1987 by Dave Taylor

USENET Community Trust   Elm Version 2.5                        1

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