Computer Science

MINGETTY(8)         Linux Programmer's Manual         MINGETTY(8)

       mingetty - minimal getty for consoles

       mingetty [--noclear] [--long-hostname] tty

       mingetty  is  a minimal getty for use on virtual consoles.
       Unlike agetty(8), mingetty  is  not  suitable  for  serial
       lines.  I recommend using mgetty(8) for this purpose.

              Do  not  clear  the screen before prompting for the
              login name (the screen is normally cleared).

              By default the hostname is only printed  until  the
              first dot.  With this option enabled, the full text
              from gethostname() is shown.

       mingetty recognizes the following escapes sequences  which
       might be embedded in the /etc/issue file:

       \d     insert current day (localtime),

       \l     insert line on which mingetty is running,

       \m     inserts machine architecture (uname -m),

       \n     inserts machine's network node hostname (uname -n),

       \o     inserts domain name,

       \r     inserts operating system release (uname -r),

       \t     insert current time (localtime),

       \s     inserts operating system name,

       \u     the current number of  users  which  are  currently
              logged  in.  \U inserts "n users", where as \u only
              inserts "n".

       \v     inserts operating system version (uname -v).

       "Linux eos i386 #1 Tue Mar 19 21:54:09 MET 1996" was  pro-
       duced by putting "\s \n \m \v" into /etc/issue.

       /etc/issue, /var/run/utmp.

       mgetty(8), agetty(8).

       Copyright  (C)  1996 Florian La Roche <> or
       <>.  Man-page written by David
       Frey <> and Florian La Roche.

Debian-Local                6 Apr 1996                          1

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