Computer Science

MHMAIL(1)                                               MHMAIL(1)

       mhmail - send or read mail

       mhmail [ addrs ...  [-body text] [-cc addrs ...]
            [-from addr] [-subject subject]]
            [-version] [-help]

       mhmail  is  intended  as  a  replacement  for the standard
       Berkeley mail program (mail(1) or mailx(1)), which is com-
       patible with nmh.  This program is intended for the use of
       programs such as cron(1), which expect to send mail  auto-
       matically  to  various  users.  It is also used by various
       nmh  commands  to  mail   various   error   notifications.
       Although  mhmail  can  be used interactively, it is recom-
       mended that comp(1) and send(1) be used  instead  to  send

       When  invoked  without arguments, it simply invokes inc(1)
       to incorporate new  messages  from  the  user's  maildrop.
       When  one  or  more  users is specified, a message is read
       from the standard input and spooled to a  temporary  file.
       mhmail then invokes post(8) with the name of the temporary
       file as its argument to deliver the message to the  speci-
       fied user.

       The  `-subject subject'  switch can be used to specify the
       "Subject:" field of the message.

       By default, mhmail will read the message to be  sent  from
       the  standard input.  You can specify the text of the mes-
       sage at the command line with the `-body text' switch.  If
       the  standard  input has zero length, mhmail will not send
       the message.  You can use the switch `-body ""'  to  force
       an empty message.

       Normally,  addresses appearing as arguments are put in the
       "To:" field.  If the `-cc' switch is used,  all  addresses
       following it are placed in the "cc:" field.

       By  using `-from addr', you can specify the "From:" header
       of the draft.  Naturally, post will fill-in the  "Sender:"
       header  correctly.   ^/usr/bin/inc~^Program to incorporate
       maildrop  into   folder   ^/usr/lib/nmh/post~^Program   to
       deliver a message ^/tmp/mhmail*~^Temporary copy of message
       None inc(1), post(8) None If inc is  invoked,  then  inc's
       context changes occur.

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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