Computer Science

MHL(1)                                                     MHL(1)

       mhl - produce formatted listings of nmh messages

       /usr/lib/nmh/mhl [-bell] [-nobell] [-clear]
            [-noclear] [-folder +folder] [-form formfile]
            [-length lines] [-width columns] [-moreproc program]
            [-nomoreproc] [files ...]  [-version] [-help]

       Mhl  is a nmh command for filtering and/or displaying text
       messages.  It is the default  method  of  displaying  text
       messages for nmh (it is the default showproc).

       As  with more, each of the messages specified as arguments
       (or the standard input) will be output.  If more than  one
       message file is specified, the user will be prompted prior
       to each one, and a <RETURN> or <EOT> will begin  the  out-
       put,  with  <RETURN> clearing the screen (if appropriate),
       and <EOT> (usually CTRL-D) suppressing the  screen  clear.
       An  <INTERRUPT>  (usually  CTRL-C)  will abort the current
       message output, prompting for the next message  (if  there
       is  one), and a <QUIT> (usually CTRL-\) will terminate the
       program (without core dump).

       The `-bell' option tells mhl to ring the  terminal's  bell
       at  the  end of each page, while the `-clear' option tells
       mhl to clear the scree at the end of each page (or  output
       a  formfeed  after  each message).  Both of these switches
       (and their inverse counterparts) take effect only  if  the
       profile  entry  moreproc  is defined but empty, and mhl is
       outputting to  a  terminal.   If  the  moreproc  entry  is
       defined  and  non-empty, and mhl is outputting to a termi-
       nal, then mhl will cause the moreproc to be placed between
       the  terminal  and mhl and the switches are ignored.  Fur-
       thermore, if the `-clear' switch is used and mhl's  output
       is directed to a terminal, then mhl will consult the $TERM
       and $TERMCAP environment variables to determine the user's
       terminal  type  in  order  to  find  out  how to clear the
       screen.  If the `-clear' switch is used and  mhl's  output
       is  not  directed  to a terminal (e.g., a pipe or a file),
       then mhl will send a formfeed after each message.

       To override the default moreproc and  the  profile  entry,
       use  the  `-moreproc program'  switch.  Note that mhl will
       never start a moreproc if invoked on a hardcopy  terminal.

       The  `-length length'  and `-width width' switches set the
       screen length and width, respectively.  These  default  to
       the  values  indicated by $TERMCAP, if appropriate, other-
       wise they default to 40 and 80, respectively.

       The default format file used by mhl  is  called  "mhl.for-
       mat".   mhl  will first search for this file in the user's
       nmh directory, and  will  then  search  in  the  directory
       /etc/nmh.   This  default  can  be  changed  by  using the
       `-form formatfile' switch.

       Finally, the `-folder +folder' switch sets the nmh  folder
       name, which is used for the "messagename:" field described
       below.  The environment variable  $mhfolder  is  consulted
       for the default value, which show, next, and prev initial-
       ize appropriately.

       Mhl operates in two phases: 1) read and parse  the  format
       file, and 2) process each message (file).  During phase 1,
       an internal description of the format  is  produced  as  a
       structured list.  In phase 2, this list is walked for each
       message, outputting message information under  the  format
       constraints from the format file.

       The format file can contain information controlling screen
       clearing, screen size,  wrap-around  control,  transparent
       text, component ordering, and component formatting.  Also,
       a list of components to ignore may  be  specified,  and  a
       couple  of  "special"  components  are  defined to provide
       added functionality.  Message output will be in the  order
       specified by the order in the format file.

       Each line of a format file has one of the following forms:


       A line beginning with a `;' is a comment, and is  ignored.
       A  line  beginning with a `:' is clear text, and is output
       exactly as is.  A line containing only a  `:'  produces  a
       blank  line  in the output.  A line beginning with "compo-
       nent:" defines the format for the specified component, and
       finally, remaining lines define the global environment.

       For example, the line:


       defines the screen size to be 80 columns by 40 rows, spec-
       ifies  that  the  screen  should  be cleared prior to each
       page, that the overflow indentation is 5, and  that  over-
       flow text should be flagged with "***".

       Following are all of the current variables and their argu-
       ments.  If they follow a component,  they  apply  only  to
       that  component, otherwise, their affect is global.  Since
       the whole format is parsed before any  output  processing,
       the  last  global switch setting for a variable applies to
       the whole message if that variable is  used  in  a  global
       context (i.e., bell, clearscreen, width, length).

            variable       type       semantics
            width          integer    screen width or component width
            length         integer    screen length or component length
            offset         integer    positions to indent "component: "
            overflowtext   string     text to use at the beginning of an
                                      overflow line
            overflowoffset integer    positions to indent overflow lines
            compwidth      integer    positions to indent component text
                                      after the first line is output
            uppercase      flag       output text of this component in all
                                      upper case
            nouppercase    flag       don't uppercase
            clearscreen    flag/G     clear the screen prior to each page
            noclearscreen  flag/G     don't clearscreen
            bell           flag/G     ring the bell at the end of each page
            nobell         flag/G     don't bell
            component      string/L   name to use instead of "component" for
                                      this component
            nocomponent    flag       don't output "component: " for this
            center         flag       center component on line (works for
                                      one-line components only)
            nocenter       flag       don't center
            leftadjust     flag       strip off leading whitespace on each
                                      line of text
            noleftadjust   flag       don't leftadjust
            compress       flag       change newlines in text to spaces
            nocompress     flag       don't compress
            split          flag       don't combine multiple fields into
                                      a single field
            nosplit        flag       combine multiple fields into
                                      a single field
            newline        flag       print newline at end of components
                                      (this is the default)
            nonewline      flag       don't print newline at end of components
            formatfield    string     format string for this component
                                      (see below)
            decode         flag       decode text as RFC-2047 encoded
                                      header field
            addrfield      flag       field contains addresses
            datefield      flag       field contains dates

       To  specify  the value of integer-valued and string-valued
       variables, follow their name with an equals-sign  and  the
       value.  Integer-valued variables are given decimal values,
       while string-valued variables  are  given  arbitrary  text
       bracketed  by  double-quotes.   If  a value is suffixed by
       "/G" or "/L", then its value is useful in a global-only or
       local-only context (respectively).

       A line of the form:


       specifies a list of components which are never output.

       The component "MessageName" (case-insensitive) will output
       the actual message name (file name) preceded by the folder
       name if one is specified or found in the environment.  The
       format is identical to  that  produced  by  the  `-header'
       option to show.

       The  component  "Extras" will output all of the components
       of the message which were not matched by  explicit  compo-
       nents,  or included in the ignore list.  If this component
       is not specified, an ignore list is not needed  since  all
       non-specified components will be ignored.

       If "nocomponent" is NOT specified, then the component name
       will be output as it appears in the format file.

       The default format file is:

       The variable "formatfield" specifies a format string  (see
       mh-format (5)).  The flag variables "addrfield" and "date-
       field" (which are mutually exclusive), tell mhl to  inter-
       pret  the escapes in the format string as either addresses
       or dates, respectively.

       By default, mhl does not apply any  formatting  string  to
       fields  containing address or dates (see mh-mail (5) for a
       list of these fields).  Note that this results  in  faster
       operation since mhl must parse both addresses and dates in
       order to apply a format string to them.  If  desired,  mhl
       can be given a default format string for either address or
       date fields (but not both).  To do this, on a global  line
       specify:  either  the  flag  addrfield or datefield, along
       with   the   apropriate   formatfield   variable   string.
       ^/etc/nmh/mhl.format~^The     message     template     ^or
       <mh-dir>/mhl.format~^Rather  than  the  standard  template
       ^$HOME/.mh_profile~^The  user  profile ^moreproc:~^Program
       to use as  interactive  front-end  show(1),  ap(8),  dp(8)
       `-bell'  `-noclear'  `-length  40'  `-width 80' None There
       should be some way to pass `bell' and `clear'  information
       to the front-end.

       The "nonewline" option interacts badly with "compress" and

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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