Computer Science

LOGIN(1)            Linux Programmer's Manual            LOGIN(1)

       login - sign on

       login [ name ]
       login -p
       login -h hostname
       login -f name

       login  is used when signing onto a system.  It can also be
       used to switch from one user to another at any time  (most
       modern  shells  have  support  for this feature built into
       them, however).

       If an argument is not given, login prompts for  the  user-

       If  the  user is not root, and if /etc/nologin exists, the
       contents of this file are printed to the screen,  and  the
       login  is  terminated.   This is typically used to prevent
       logins when the system is being taken down.

       If special access restrictions are specified for the  user
       in  /etc/usertty, these must be met, or the log in attempt
       will be denied and a syslog message will be generated. See
       the section on "Special Access Restrictions".

       If  the user is root, then the login must be occuring on a
       tty listed in /etc/securetty.   Failures  will  be  logged
       with the syslog facility.

       After  these  conditions are checked, the password will be
       requested and checks (if a password is required  for  this
       username).   Ten  attempts  are allowed before login dies,
       but after the first three, the response starts to get very
       slow.   Login  failures are reported via the syslog facil-
       ity.  This facility is also used to report any  successful
       root logins.

       If  the  file  .hushlogin  exists, then a "quiet" login is
       performed (this disables the checking of the  checking  of
       mail  and  the printing of the last login time and message
       of the day).  Otherwise, if /var/log/lastlog  exists,  the
       last  login  time  is  printed  (and  the current login is

       Random administrative things, such as setting the UID  and
       GID  of the tty are performed.  The TERM environment vari-
       able is preserved, if it exists (other  environment  vari-
       ables  are  preserved if the -p option is used).  Then the
       HOME, PATH, SHELL, TERM,  MAIL,  and  LOGNAME  environment
       variables      are      set.      PATH     defaults     to
       /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:.  for normal users,  and  to
       /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin  for root.  Last, if this is
       not a "quiet" login, the message of the day is printed and
       the  file  with the user's name in /usr/spool/mail will be
       checked, and a message printed if it has non-zero  length.

       The  user's  shell is then started.  If no shell is speci-
       fied for the user in /etc/passwd, then  /bin/sh  is  used.
       If  there is no directory specified in /etc/passwd, then /
       is used (the home directory is checked for the  .hushlogin
       file described above).

       -p     Used  by  getty(8) to tell login not to destroy the

       -f     Used to skip a second login  authentication.   This
              specifically  does  not work for root, and does not
              appear to work well under Linux.

       -h     Used by other servers (i.e.,  telnetd(8))  to  pass
              the name of the remote host to login so that it may
              be placed in utmp and wtmp.  Only the superuser may
              use this option.

       The  file /etc/securetty lists the names of the ttys where
       root is allowed to log in. One name of a tty device  with-
       out  the  /dev/ prefix must be specified on each line.  If
       the file does not exist, root is allowed to log in on  any

       The file /etc/usertty specifies additional access restric-
       tions for specific users. If this file does not exist,  no
       additional  access restrictions are imposed. The file con-
       sists of a sequence of sections. There are three  possible
       section  types:  CLASSES, GROUPS and USERS. A CLASSES sec-
       tion defines classes of  ttys  and  hostname  patterns,  A
       GROUPS  section  defines  allowed  ttys and hosts on a per
       group basis, and a USERS section defines allowed ttys  and
       hosts on a per user basis.

       Each  line in this file in may be no longer than 255 char-
       acters. Comments start with # character and extend to  the
       end of the line.

   The CLASSES Section
       A  CLASSES  section  begins  with  the word CLASSES at the
       start of a line in all upper  case.  Each  following  line
       until  the  start  of a new section or the end of the file
       consists of a sequence  of  words  separated  by  tabs  or
       spaces.  Each  line  defines a class of ttys and host pat-

       The word at the beginning of a line becomes defined  as  a
       collective  name  for the ttys and host patterns specified
       at the rest of the line. This collective name can be  used
       in  any  subsequent GROUPS or USERS section. No such class
       name must occur as part of the definition of  a  class  in
       order to avoid problems with recursive classes.

       An example CLASSES section:

       myclass1       tty1 tty2
       myclass2       tty3

       This defines the classes myclass1 and myclass2 as the cor-
       responding right hand sides.

   The GROUPS Section
       A GROUPS section defines allowed ttys and hosts on  a  per
       Unix  group  basis.  If a user is a member of a Unix group
       according to /etc/passwd and /etc/group and such  a  group
       is  mentioned in a GROUPS section in /etc/usertty then the
       user is granted access if the group is.

       A GROUPS section starts with the word GROUPS in all  upper
       case  at the start of a line, and each following line is a
       sequence of words separated by spaces or tabs.  The  first
       word  on  a  line is the name of the group and the rest of
       the words on the line specifies the ttys and  hosts  where
       members of that group are allowed access. These specifica-
       tions may involve the use of classes defined  in  previous
       CLASSES sections.

       An example GROUPS section.

       sys       tty1
       stud      myclass1 tty4

       This  example  specifies that members of group sys may log
       in on tty1 and from hosts in the domain. Users  in
       group  stud  may  log  in from hosts/ttys specified in the
       class myclass1 or from tty4.

   The USERS Section
       A USERS section starts with the word USERS  in  all  upper
       case  at the start of a line, and each following line is a
       sequence of words separated by spaces or tabs.  The  first
       word  on  a line is a username and that user is allowed to
       log in on the ttys and from the  hosts  mentioned  on  the
       rest of the line. These specifications may involve classes
       defined in  previous  CLASSES  sections.   If  no  section
       header is specified at the top of the file, the first sec-
       tion defaults to be a USERS section.

       An example USERS section:

       zacho          tty1 @
       blue      tty3 myclass2

       This lets the user zacho login only on tty1 and from hosts
       with   IP   addreses   in   the   range   -, and user blue is allowed to  log  in  from
       tty3 and whatever is specified in the class myclass2.

       There  may  be  a  line in a USERS section starting with a
       username of *. This is a  default  rule  and  it  will  be
       applied to any user not matching any other line.

       If both a USERS line and GROUPS line match a user then the
       user  is  allowed  access  from  the  union  of  all   the
       ttys/hosts mentioned in these specifications.

       The tty and host pattern specifications used in the speci-
       fication of classes, group and user access are called ori-
       gins. An origin string may have one of these formats:

       o      The  name of a tty device without the /dev/ prefix,
              for example tty1 or ttyS0.

       o      The string @localhost, meaning  that  the  user  is
              allowed to telnet/rlogin from the local host to the
              same host. This also allows the user to for example
              run the command: xterm -e /bin/login.

       o      A  domain  name  suffix such as @.some.dom, meaning
              that the user may rlogin/telnet from any host whose
              domain name has the suffix .some.dom.

       o      A range of IPv4 addresses, written @x.x.x.x/y.y.y.y
              where x.x.x.x is the IP address in the usual dotted
              quad  decimal notation, and y.y.y.y is a bitmask in
              the same notation  specifying  which  bits  in  the
              address  to  compare  with  the  IP  address of the
              remote          host.          For          example
              @ means that the user may
              rlogin/telnet from any host whose IP address is  in
              the range -

       Any  of the above origins may be prefixed by a time speci-
       fication according to the syntax:

       timespec    ::= '[' <day-or-hour> [':' <day-or-hour>]* ']'
       day         ::= 'mon' | 'tue' | 'wed' | 'thu' | 'fri' | 'sat' | 'sun'
       hour        ::= '0' | '1' | ... | '23'
       hourspec    ::= <hour> | <hour> '-' <hour>
       day-or-hour ::= <day> | <hourspec>

       For  example,  the  origin  [mon:tue:wed:thu:fri:8-17]tty3
       means  that  log  in is allowed on mondays through fridays
       between 8:00 and 17:59 (5:59 pm) on tty3.  This also shows
       that  an  hour range a-b includes all moments between a:00
       and b:59. A single hour specification (such as  10)  means
       the time span between 10:00 and 10:59.

       Not specifying any time prefix for a tty or host means log
       in from that origin is allowed any time.  If  you  give  a
       time  prefix be sure to specify both a set of days and one
       or more hours or hour ranges. A time specification may not
       include any white space.

       If  no  default  rule is given then users not matching any
       line /etc/usertty are allowed to log in from  anywhere  as
       is standard behavior.


       init(8),  getty(8),  mail(1),  passwd(1), passwd(5), envi-
       ron(7), shutdown(8)

       The undocumented BSD -r option is not supported.  This may
       be required by some rlogind(8) programs.

       Derived  from  BSD  login  5.40  (5/9/89)  by Michael Glad
       ( for HP-UX
       Ported to Linux 0.12: Peter Orbaek (

Util-linux 1.6           4 November 1996                        1

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