Computer Science
libpnm(3) libpnm(3)
libpnm - functions to support portable anymap programs
#include <pnm.h>
cc ... libpnm.a libppm.a libpgm.a libpbm.a
typedef ... xel;
typedef ... xelval;
#define PNM_MAXMAXVAL ...
extern xelval pnm_pbmmaxval;
Each xel contains three xelvals, each of which should con-
tain only the values between 0 and PNM_MAXMAXVAL.
pnm_pbmmaxval is the maxval used when a PNM program reads
a PBM file. Normally it is 1; however, for some programs,
a larger value gives better results.
xelval PNM_GET1( xel x )
This macro extracts a single value from an xel, when you
know it's from a PBM or PGM file. When it's from a PPM
file, use PPM_GETR(), PPM_GETG(), and PPM_GETB().
void PNM_ASSIGN1( xel x, xelval v )
This macro assigns a single value to an xel, when you know
it's from a PBM or PGM file. When it's from a PPM file,
int PNM_EQUAL( xel x, xel y )
This macro checks two xels for equality.
int PNM_FORMAT_TYPE( int format )
For distinguishing different file types.
void pnm_init( int* argcP, char* argv[] )
All PNM programs must call this routine.
xel** pnm_allocarray( int cols, int rows )
Allocate an array of xels.
xel* pnm_allocrow( int cols )
Allocate a row of the given number of xels.
void pnm_freearray( xel** xels, int rows )
Free the array allocated with pnm_allocarray() containing
the given number of rows.
void pnm_freerow( xel* xelrow )
Free a row of xels.
void pnm_readpnminit( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, xelval* maxvalP, int* formatP )
Read the header from a PNM file, filling in the rows,
cols, maxval and format variables.
void pnm_readpnmrow( FILE* fp, xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format )
Read a row of xels into the xelrow array. Format, cols,
and maxval were filled in by pnm_readpnminit().
xel** pnm_readpnm( FILE* fp, int* colsP, int* rowsP, xelval* maxvalP, int* formatP )
Read an entire anymap file into memory, returning the
allocated array and filling in the rows, cols, maxval, and
format variables. This function combines pnm_readpn-
minit(), pnm_allocarray() and pnm_readpnmrow(). Unlike
the equivalent functions in PBM, PGM, and PPM, it returns
the format so you can tell what type the file is.
void pnm_writepnminit( FILE* fp, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format, int forceplain )
Write the header for a portable anymap file. Unlike the
equivalent functions in PBM, PGM, and PPM, you have to
specify the output type. The forceplain flag forces a
plain-format file to be written, as opposed to a raw-for-
mat one.
void pnm_writepnmrow( FILE* fp, xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format, int forceplain )
Write a row from a portable anymap.
void pnm_writepnm( FILE* fp, xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format, int forceplain )
Write the header and all data for a portable anymap. This
function combines pnm_writepnminit() and pnm_writepnm-
void pnm_promoteformatrow( xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format, xelval newmaxval, int newformat )
Promote a row of xels from one maxval and format to a new
set. Used when combining multiple anymaps of different
types - just take the max of the maxvals and the max of
the formats, and promote them all to that.
void pnm_promoteformat( xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format, xelval newmaxval, int newformat )
Promote an entire anymap.
xel pnm_whitexel( xelval maxval, int format )
xel pnm_blackxel( xelval maxval, int format )
Return a white or black xel for the given maxval and for-
void pnm_invertxel( xel* x, xelval maxval, int format )
Invert an xel.
xel pnm_backgroundxelrow( xel* xelrow, int cols, xelval maxval, int format )
Figure out an appropriate background xel based on this
xel pnm_backgroundxel( xel** xels, int cols, int rows, xelval maxval, int format )
Figure out a background xel based on an entire anymap.
This can do a slightly better job than pnm_backgroundxel-
pbm(3), pgm(3), ppm(3)
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Tony Hansen and Jef Poskanzer.
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