Computer Science

KBD-COMPAT(8)          Linux User's Manual          KBD-COMPAT(8)

       kbd-compat  -  kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux
       Console Tools.

       setfont [ -o font.orig]  [-H]  []  [-m  acm]  [-om
       acm.orig] [-u sfm] [-ou sfm.orig] [-v] [-V]
       loadunimap sfm
       saveunimap sfm.orig
       mapscrn [ acm ] [ -o acm.orig]

       All of these scripts are intended solely for backward com-
       patibility with the old `kbd' package, and are only needed
       by a few programs which rely on the command-line interface
       of these programs.  They are all implemented  as  wrappers
       around the consolechars(8) command.

       These  scripts  may  not be installed on your system. They
       will even hopefully one day never be installed on any sys-
       tem again.


Console tools              27 Oct 1997                          1

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