Computer Science

INC(1)                                                     INC(1)

       inc - incorporate new mail

       inc [+folder] [-audit audit-file] [-noaudit] [-changecur]
            [-nochangecur] [-form formatfile] [-format string]
            [-file name] [-silent] [-nosilent] [-truncate]
            [-notruncate] [-width columns] [-version] [-help]

       Inc  incorporates  mail from the user's incoming mail drop
       into an nmh folder.

       You may specify which folder to use with `+folder'.  If no
       folder  is  specified, then inc will use either the folder
       given by a (non-empty) "Inbox:" entry in the  user's  pro-
       file,  or  the folder named "inbox".  If the specified (or
       default) folder doesn't exist, the user  will  be  queried
       prior to its creation.

       When  the  new  messages are incorporated into the folder,
       they are assigned numbers starting with the  next  highest
       number  for  the folder.  As the messages are processed, a
       scan listing of the new mail is produced.

       If the user's profile contains a "Msg-Protect: nnn" entry,
       it  will  be  used  as the protection on the newly created
       messages, otherwise the nmh default of 0644 will be  used.
       For all subsequent operations on these messages, this ini-
       tially assigned protection will be preserved.

       If the switch `-audit audit-file' is specified (usually as
       a  default  switch in the profile), then inc will append a
       header line and a line per message to the end of the spec-
       ified audit-file with the format:

          inc date
               <scan line for first message>
               <scan line for second message>

       This  is  useful for keeping track of volume and source of
       incoming mail.  Eventually, repl, forw, comp, and dist may
       also  produce  audits  to  this (or another) file, perhaps
       with "Message-Id:" information to keep an exact correspon-
       dence  history.   "Audit-file"  will  be in the user's nmh
       directory unless a full path is specified.

       Inc will incorporate even  improperly  formatted  messages
       into  the  user's nmh folder, inserting a blank line prior
       to the offending component and printing a comment  identi-
       fying the bad message.

       In  all cases, the user's mail drop will be zeroed, unless
       the `-notruncate' switch is given.

       If the profile  entry  "Unseen-Sequence"  is  present  and
       non-empty,  then  inc  will add each of the newly incorpo-
       rated messages to  each  sequence  named  by  the  profile
       entry.   Inc  will  not zero each sequence prior to adding

       The    interpretation    of    the     `-form formatfile',
       `-format string',  and  `-width columns'  switches  is the
       same as in scan (1).

       By using the `-file name' switch, one can  direct  inc  to
       incorporate  messages  from  a  file other than the user's
       maildrop.  Note that the name file  will  NOT  be  zeroed,
       unless the `-truncate' switch is given.

       If  the  environment  variable  $MAILDROP is set, then inc
       uses it as the location of the user's maildrop instead  of
       the default (the `-file name' switch still overrides this,
       however).  If this environment variable is not  set,  then
       inc  will  consult  the  profile entry "MailDrop" for this
       information.  If the value found is not absolute, then  it
       is  interpreted  relative to the user's nmh directory.  If
       the value is not found, then inc will look in the standard
       system location for the user's maildrop.

       The  `-silent'  switch directs inc to be quiet and not ask
       any questions at all.  This is useful for putting  inc  in
       the   background   and   going   on   to   other   things.
       ^$HOME/.mh_profile~^The            user            profile
       ^/etc/nmh/mts.conf~^nmh     mts     configuration     file
       ^/var/spool/mail/$USER~^Location of mail  drop  ^Path:~^To
       determine   the   user's  nmh  directory  ^Alternate-Mail-
       boxes:~^To  determine  the  user's  mailboxes  ^Inbox:~^To
       determine  the inbox, default "inbox" ^Folder-Protect:~^To
       set mode when creating a new folder ^Msg-Protect:~^To  set
       mode   when   creating   a   new  message  and  audit-file
       ^Unseen-Sequence:~^To name sequences denoting unseen  mes-
       sages  mhmail(1),  scan(1),  mh-mail(5), post(8) `+folder'
       defaulted by "Inbox" above `-noaudit' `-changecur'  `-for-
       mat'  defaulted as described above `-nosilent' `-truncate'
       if  `-file name'  not   given,   `-notruncate'   otherwise
       `-width' defaulted to the width of the terminal The folder
       into which messages are being incorporated will become the
       current  folder.   The  first  message  incorporated  will
       become the  current  message,  unless  the  `-nochangecur'
       option  is specified.  This leaves the context ready for a
       show of the first new message.  The argument to the `-for-
       mat'  switch  must be interpreted as a single token by the
       shell that invokes inc.  Therefore, one must usually place
       the argument to this switch inside double-quotes.

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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