Computer Science

ilbmtoppm(1)                                         ilbmtoppm(1)

       ilbmtoppm - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap

       ilbmtoppm  [-verbose]  [-ignore<chunkID>]  [-isham|-isehb]
       [-adjustcolors] [ILBMfile]

       Reads an IFF ILBM file  as  input.   Produces  a  portable
       pixmap as output.  Supported ILBM types are:

       Normal ILBMs with 1-16 planes.

       Amiga Extra_Halfbrite (EHB)

       Amiga HAM with 3-16 planes.

       24 bit.

       Multiplatte (normal or HAM) pictures.

       Color map (BMHD + CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0).

       Unofficial direct color.
              1-16 planes for each color component.

       Chunks used:
              BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only HAM & EHB flags used), PCHG,
              BODY unofficial DCOL chunk to identify direct color

       Chunks ignored:
              GRAB,  DEST,  SPRT,  CRNG,  CCRT, CLUT, DPPV, DRNG,

       Other chunks (ignored but displayed in verbose mode):
              NAME, AUTH, (c), ANNO, DPI

       Unknown chunks are skipped.

              Give some information about the ILBM file.

       -ignore <chunkID>
              Skip a chunk.  <chunkID> is the 4-letter IFF  chunk
              identifier of the chunk to be skipped.

       -isham | -isehb
              Treat  the  input  file as a HAM or Extra_Halfbrite
              picture, even if these flags or not set in the CAMG
              chunk (or if there is no CAMG chunk).

              If all colors in the CMAP have a value of less then
              16, ilbmtoppm assumes a 4-bit colormap and gives  a
              warning.   With  this option the colormap is scaled
              to 8 bits.

       The multipalette PCHG BigLineChanges  and  Huffman  decom-
       pression code is untested.

       Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual - Devices (3rd Ed.)
       Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56775-X

       ppm(5), ppmtoilbm(1)

       Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
       Modified  October  1993 by Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@infor-

                         04 October 1993                        1

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