Computer Science

BYTEORDER(3)        Linux Programmer's Manual        BYTEORDER(3)

       htonl,  htons,  ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host
       and network byte order

       #include <netinet/in.h>

       unsigned long int htonl(unsigned long int hostlong);

       unsigned short int htons(unsigned short int hostshort);

       unsigned long int ntohl(unsigned long int netlong);

       unsigned short int ntohs(unsigned short int netshort);

       The htonl() function converts the  long  integer  hostlong
       from host byte order to network byte order.

       The  htons() function converts the short integer hostshort
       from host byte order to network byte order.

       The ntohl() function converts  the  long  integer  netlong
       from network byte order to host byte order.

       The  ntohs()  function converts the short integer netshort
       from network byte order to host byte order.

       On the i80x86 the host byte  order  is  Least  Significant
       Byte first, whereas the network byte order, as used on the
       Internet, is Most Significant Byte first.

       BSD 4.3

       gethostbyname(3), getservent(3)

BSD                       April 15, 1993                        1

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