Computer Science

GPASSWD(1)                                             GPASSWD(1)

       gpasswd - administer the /etc/group file

       gpasswd group
       gpasswd -a user group
       gpasswd -d user group
       gpasswd -R group
       gpasswd -r group
       gpasswd [-A user,...]  [-M user,...]  group

       gpasswd  is  used  to  administer the /etc/group file (and
       /etc/gshadow file if  compiled  with  SHADOWGRP  defined).
       Every  group  can have administrators, members and a pass-
       word. System administrator can use  -A  option  to  define
       group administrator(s) and -M option to define members and
       has all rights of group administrators and members.

       Group administrator can add and delete users using -a  and
       -d  options respectively. Administrators can use -r option
       to remove group password. When no  password  is  set  only
       group  members can use newgrp(1) to join the group. Option
       -R disables access to the group through newgrp(1) command.

       gpasswd  called  by  a group administrator with group name
       only prompts for the group password. If  password  is  set
       the  members  can still newgrp(1) without a password, non-
       members must supply the password.

       /etc/group - group information
       /etc/gshadow - shadow group information

       newgrp(1), groupadd(8), groupdel(8), groupmod(8), grpck(8)


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