Computer Science
gl_striangle(3) Svgalib User Manual gl_striangle(3)
gl_striangle - draw a solid colored triangle
#include <triangle.h>
void gl_striangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 , int x2,
int y2, int color, int bf);
Draws a non-interpolated (solid) triangle between the
three points 0, 1 and 2 with the color color.
The bf value is used to tell the routine not to draw the
triangle if it is facing the other way. bf tells which
way the triangle should be facing to be drawn. since you
will more than likely require both combinations.
bf = 0 disables drawing when the points are arranged
clockwise, bf = 1 disables drawing when the points are
arranged counter clockwise. bf = -1 will probably always
draw the triangle.
Beware, these functions are not a direct part of the
svgalib library. Instead their source is part of svgalib
and can be found in the threeDkit/ subdirectory of the
original svgalib distribution. However, it is not
installed in the system by default, s.t. it is unclear
where you can find it if your svgalib was installed by
some linux distribution.
In case of any such problem, simply get an svgalib distri-
bution from the net. Yo don't need to install it. Just
make in the threeDkit/ subdirectory. As of this writing,
svgalib-1.2.12.tar.gz is the latest version and can be
retrieved by ftp from at
/pub/Linux/libs/graphics and at
/pub/linux/sources/libs which will most probably be mir-
rored by a site close to you.
The functions are defined in the tri.o and triangl.o files
(or their resp. sources) which you must link to your pro-
vgagl(7), svgalib(7), threedkit(7), gl_swtriangle(3),
gl_triangle(3), gl_trigetcolorlookup(3), gl_trisetcolor-
lookup(3), gl_trisetdrawpoint(3), gl_wtriangle(3),
plane(6), wrapdemo(6).
This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <eowmob@exp->. The demos, the initial documentation
and the whole threedkit stuff was done by Paul Sheer
Paper mail:
Paul Sheer
P O BOX 890507
Johannesburg 2106
South Africa
Donations (by check or postal order) will be appreciated
and will encourage further development of this software.
However this is strictly on a voluntary basis where this
software falls under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC
Svgalib (>= 1.2.11) 2 Aug 1997 1
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