Computer Science

GENKSYMS(8)            Linux Module Support           GENKSYMS(8)

       genksyms - generate symbol version information

       genksyms [ -wq ] [ -dD ] [ -V ] -k version [ -p string ] [
       output directory ]

       Genksyms reads (on standard input) the output from gcc  -E
       source.c  and generates a file containing version informa-

       Depending on the output format indicated by the -k option,
       the  output  will  either be written to a .ver file in the
       named output directory, or to the standard output.

       Genksyms normally looks for explicit symbol table  defini-
       tions  in  the  source file.  All definitions and declara-
       tions of typedef, struct, union and enum will be saved for
       later  expansion.  Every global symbol will also be saved,
       together with pointers that will enable a  full  expansion
       later on.

       When  a  symbol  table  is found in the source, the symbol
       will  be  expanded  to  its  full  definition,  where  all
       struct's, unions, enums and typedefs will be expanded down
       to their basic part, recursively.  This final string  will
       then be used as input to a CRC algorithm that will give an
       integer that will change as soon as any  of  the  included
       definitions changes, for this symbol.

       The version information in the kernel normally looks like:
       symbol_R12345678, where 12345678 is the hexadicimal repre-
       sentation of the CRC.

       -w      Enable  warnings  due  to  unrecognized syntax and
               declared but undefined structures.  These warnings
               are normally suppressed.

       -q      Quiet warnings, i.e. reverse the -w option.

       -D      Dump  expanded  symbol definitions to stderr.  For
               debugging use only.

       -d      Output  debugging  information;   repeating   this
               option  increases  the  verbosity.   Debug level 1
               generates moderate information about  the  actions
               being taken; debug level 2 enables parser recogni-
               tion output; debug level 3 enables lexical  analy-
               sis output.

       -k version
               Select the version of the kernel for which to gen-
               erate output.  Omitting this option assumes a ver-
               sion  below  2.1.0.   Versions  below  2.1.18  use
               checksum version 1, and produce  their  output  in
               the directory given on the command line.  Versions
               2.1.18 and above use checksum version 2  and  pro-
               duce their output on stdout.

       -p string
               Prepend the given string to the CRCs generated for
               all symbols.  This is intended for use  with  e.g.
               SMP  kernels, wherein the modules are not compati-
               ble at a level below that described  by  the  data
               types.   This  is primarily caused by inline func-
               tion expansions in the module code itself.

       insmod(1), modprobe(1)

       This versioning concept is a result from discussions,  not
       at least on the KERNEL-channel, with a lot of people.

       The  genksyms  utility was created in 1994 by Bjorn Ekwall
       <> being mostly inspired by  Jacques  Gelinas
       <>       and      Jeremy      Fitzhardinge

       It was rewritten in 1996 by Richard  Henderson  to  use  a
       proper lexer an parser.

Linux                      Sep 10, 1997                         1

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