Computer Science

FREE(1)                Linux User's Manual                FREE(1)

       free  - Display amount of free and used memory in the sys-

       free [-b | -k | -m] [-o] [-s delay ] [-t] [-V]

       free displays the total amount of free and  used  physical
       and  swap memory in the system, as well as the shared mem-
       ory and buffers used by the kernel.

       The -b switch displays the amount of memory in bytes;  the
       -k  switch  (set by default) displays it in kilobytes; the
       -m switch displays it in megabytes.

       The -t switch displays a line containing the totals.

       The -o switch disables the display of a "buffer  adjusted"
       line.  Unless  specified free subtracts/adds buffer memory
       from/to the used/free memory reports (respectively!).

       The -s switch activates continuous polling  delay  seconds
       apart.  You may actually specify any floating point number
       for delay, usleep(3) is used  for  microsecond  resolution
       delay times.

       The -V displays version information.

       /proc/meminfo-- memory information

       ps(1), top(1)

       Written by Brian Edmonds.

       Send bug reports to <>

Cohesive Systems           20 Mar 1993                          1

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