Computer Science

allcm(1)                      teTeX                      allcm(1)

       fontimport  - import fonts into the teTeX directory struc-

       fontimport [-d] [-m MF-mode] source

       fontimport imports font files  into  the  teTeX  directory
       tree  and  copies  them  to their appropriate places. With
       given -d flag the files are deleted  in  the  other  place

       fontimport  tries to guess the mode of pk files. By the -m
       flag you may specify a fallback mode that is used  if  the
       guess fails.

       fontimport   can   cope   with  fontnames  conforming  the
       8.3-namescheme, too. So you can import fonts  from  a  TDS
       compliant  or  MSDOS  installation into the teTeX directo-
       ries. emTeX's font libraries are  not  supported.  If  you
       want  to  import    fonts from a font library, you need to
       unpack it with emTeX's fontlib utility, first.

       alldc(1), allneeded(1), fontimport(1), fontexport(1).

       Thomas Esser (

teTeX                         11/94                             1

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