Computer Science

FMTDUMP(8)                                             FMTDUMP(8)

       fmtdump - decode nmh format files

       /usr/lib/nmh/fmtdump [-form formatfile]
            [-format string] [-version] [-help]

       Fmtdump  is  a  program that parses an nmh format file and
       produces a pseudo-language listing of the how  nmh  inter-
       prets  the  file.  This is useful when debugging a compli-
       cated format file.

       The `-format string' and `-form formatfile'  switches  may
       be used to specify a format string or format file to read.
       The string is simply a format string and the file is  sim-
       ply  a  format  file.   See  mh-format(5) for the details.
       ^$HOME/.mh_profile~^The            user            profile
       ^/etc/nmh/scan.default~^The default format file ^Path:~^To
       determine  the  user's  nmh  directory  mh-format(5),  mh-
       sequences(8)  None The output may not be useful unless you
       are familiar with the internals of the  mh-format  subrou-

[nmh-0.27]                    MH.6.8                            1

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