Computer Science

FERROR(3)           Linux Programmer's Manual           FERROR(3)

       clearerr,  feof,  ferror,  fileno - check and reset stream

       #include <stdio.h>

       void clearerr( FILE *stream);
       int feof( FILE *stream);
       int ferror( FILE *stream);
       int fileno( FILE *stream);

       The function clearerr clears  the  end-of-file  and  error
       indicators for the stream pointed to by stream.

       The  function feof tests the end-of-file indicator for the
       stream pointed to by stream, returning non-zero if  it  is
       set.  The end-of-file indicator can only be cleared by the
       function clearerr.

       The function ferror tests  the  error  indicator  for  the
       stream  pointed  to by stream, returning non-zero if it is
       set.  The error indicator can only be reset by the  clear-
       err function.

       The  function  fileno  examines  the  argument  stream and
       returns its integer descriptor.

       These functions should not fail and do not set the  exter-
       nal variable errno.

       open(2), stdio(3)

       The  functions  clearerr,  feof,  and  ferror  conform  to
       C3.159-1989 (``ANSI C'').

BSD MANPAGE              29 November 1993                       1

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