Computer Science

DVICOPY(1)                  Web2C 7.3                  DVICOPY(1)

       dvicopy - produce modified copy of DVI file

       dvicopy [options] [infile [outfile]]

       This  manual page is not meant to be exhaustive.  The com-
       plete documentation for this version of  can be  found  in
       the info file or manual Web2C: A TeX implementation.

       dvicopy  reads  a DVI file, expands any references to vir-
       tual fonts to base fonts, and  writes  the  resulting  DVI
       file.   Thus  you  can  use virtual fonts even if your DVI
       processor does not support them, by passing the  documents
       through dvicopy first.


24 January 1999                TeX                              1

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