Computer Science
dungeon - Adventures in the Dungeons of Doom
Dungeon is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning.
In it you will explore some of the most amazing territory
ever seen by mortal man. Hardened adventurers have run
screaming from the terrors contained within.
In Dungeon, the intrepid explorer delves into the forgot-
ten secrets of a lost labyrinth deep in the bowels of the
earth, searching for vast treasures long hidden from pry-
ing eyes, treasures guarded by fearsome monsters and dia-
bolical traps!
Dungeon was created at the Programming Technology Division
of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science by Tim Ander-
son, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling. It was
inspired by the Adventure game of Crowther and Woods, and
the Dungeons and Dragons game of Gygax and Arneson. The
original version was written in MDL (alias MUDDLE). The
current version was translated from MDL into FORTRAN IV by
a somewhat paranoid DEC engineer who prefers to remain
On-line information may be obtained with the commands HELP
and INFO.
Following is the summary produced by the info command:
Welcome to Dungeon!
You are near a large dungeon, which is reputed to
contain vast quantities of treasure. Naturally,
you wish to acquire some of it. In order to do so,
you must of course remove it from the dungeon. To
receive full credit for it, you must deposit it
safely in the trophy case in the living room of the
In addition to valuables, the dungeon contains var-
ious objects which may or may not be useful in your
attempt to get rich. You may need sources of
light, since dungeons are often dark, and weapons,
since dungeons often have unfriendly things wander-
ing about. Reading material is scattered around
the dungeon as well; some of it is rumored to be
To determine how successful you have been, a score
is kept. When you find a valuable object and pick
it up, you receive a certain number of points,
which depends on the difficulty of finding the
object. You receive extra points for transporting
the treasure safely to the living room and placing
it in the trophy case. In addition, some particu-
larly interesting rooms have a value associated
with visiting them. The only penalty is for get-
ting yourself killed, which you may do only twice.
Of special note is a thief (always carrying a large
bag) who likes to wander around in the dungeon (he
has never been seen by the light of day). He likes
to take things. Since he steals for pleasure
rather than profit and is somewhat sadistic, he
only takes things which you have seen. Although he
prefers valuables, sometimes in his haste he may
take something which is worthless. From time to
time, he examines his take and discards objects
which he doesn't like. He may occasionally stop in
a room you are visiting, but more often he just
wanders through and rips you off (he is a skilled
brief suppresses printing of long room descrip-
tions for rooms which have been visited.
superbrief suppresses printing of long room descrip-
tions for all rooms.
verbose restores long descriptions.
info prints information which might give some
idea of what the game is about.
quit prints your score and asks whether you wish
to continue playing.
save saves the state of the game for later con-
restore restores a saved game.
inventory lists the objects in your possession.
look prints a description of your surroundings.
score prints your current score and ranking.
time tells you how long you have been playing.
diagnose reports on your injuries, if any.
The inventory command may be abbreviated i; the look com-
mand may be abbreviated l; the quit command may be abbre-
viated q.
A command that begins with '!' as the first character is
taken to be a shell command and is passed unchanged to the
shell via system(3).
Some objects can contain other objects. Many such con-
tainers can be opened and closed. The rest are always
open. They may or may not be transparent. For you to
access (e.g., take) an object which is in a container, the
container must be open. For you to see such an object,
the container must be either open or transparent. Con-
tainers have a capacity, and objects have sizes; the num-
ber of objects which will fit therefore depends on their
sizes. You may put any object you have access to (it need
not be in your hands) into any other object. At some
point, the program will attempt to pick it up if you don't
already have it, which process may fail if you're carrying
too much. Although containers can contain other contain-
ers, the program doesn't access more than one level down.
Occupants of the dungeon will, as a rule, fight back when
attacked. In some cases, they may attack even if unpro-
voked. Useful verbs here are attack <villain> with
<weapon>, kill, etc. Knife-throwing may or may not be
useful. You have a fighting strength which varies with
time. Being in a fight, getting killed, and being injured
all lower this strength. Strength is regained with time.
Thus, it is not a good idea to fight someone immediately
after being killed. Other details should become apparent
after a few melees or deaths.
A command is one line of text terminated by a carriage
return. For reasons of simplicity, all words are distin-
guished by their first six letters. All others are
ignored. For example, typing disassemble the encyclopedia
is not only meaningless, it also creates excess effort for
your fingers. Note that this truncation may produce ambi-
guities in the intepretation of longer words. [Also note
that upper and lower case are equivalent.]
You are dealing with a fairly stupid parser, which under-
stands the following types of things:
Among the more obvious of these, such as take,
put, drop, etc. Fairly general forms of these
may be used, such as pick up, put down, etc.
north, south, up, down, etc. and their various
abbreviations. Other more obscure directions
(land, cross) are appropriate in only certain
Most objects have names and can be referenced
by them.
Some adjectives are understood and required
when there are two objects which can be refer-
enced with the same 'name' (e.g., doors, but-
It may be necessary in some cases to include
prepositions, but the parser attempts to han-
dle cases which aren't ambiguous without.
Thus give car to demon will work, as will give
demon car. give car demon probably won't do
anything interesting. When a preposition is
used, it should be appropriate; give car with
demon won't parse.
The parser understands a reasonable number of
syntactic construc- tions. In particular,
multiple commands (separated by commas) can be
placed on the same line.
The parser tries to be clever about what to do
in the case of actions which require objects
that are not explicitly specified. If there
is only one possible object, the parser will
assume that it should be used. Otherwise, the
parser will ask. Most questions asked by the
parser can be answered.
dtextc.dat - encoded messages and initialization
dsave.dat - save file
For those familiar with the MDL version of the game on the
ARPAnet, the following is a list of the major incompata-
-The first six letters of a word are considered
significant, instead of the first five.
-The syntax for tell, answer, and incant is differ-
-Compound objects are not recognized.
-Compound commands can be delimited with comma as
well as period.
Also, the palantir, brochure, and dead man problems are
not implemented.
Many people have had a hand in this version. See the
"History" and "README" files for credits. Send bug
reports to (or uunet!airs!ian).
March 11, 1991 1
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