Computer Science

DESTROYLANG(1)                                     DESTROYLANG(1)

       destroylang  -  Add  a  programming language to a Postgres

       destroylang [ langname ]
       destroylang [ -h host ] [ -p port ]
               [ langname ]

       destroylang accepts the following command line arguments:

              Specifies the name of the backend programming  lan-
              guage to be destroyed.  destroylang will prompt for
              langname if it is  not  specified  on  the  command

       destroylang  also accepts the following command line argu-
       ments for connection parameters:

       -h host
              Specifies the hostname of the machine on which  the
              postmaster  is  running.  Defaults to using a local
              Unix domain socket rather than an IP connection.

       -p port
              Specifies the Internet TCP/IP port  or  local  Unix
              domain  socket file extension on which the postmas-
              ter is listening for connections. The  port  number
              defaults  to 5432, or the value of the PGPORT envi-
              ronment variable (if set).

       destroylang removes an existing programming language  from
       a Postgres server, so has not explicit external output.

       destroylang is a utility for removing an existing program-
       ming language from a Postgres database.  destroylang  cur-
       rently accepts two languages, plsql and pltcl.

       See drop_language(l) for more details.

       To remove pltcl:

       % destroylang pltcl

Application               15 August 1999                        1

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