Computer Science

CUT(1)                                                     CUT(1)

       cut - remove sections from each line of files

       cut   {-b   byte-list,  --bytes=byte-list}  [-n]  [--help]
       [--version] [file...]

       cut   {-c   character-list,   --characters=character-list}
       [--help] [--version] [file...]

       cut  {-f  field-list, --fields=field-list} [-d delim] [-s]
       [--delimiter=delim]  [--only-delimited]  [--help]  [--ver-
       sion] [file...]

       This  manual  page  documents the GNU version of cut.  cut
       prints sections of each line of each input  file,  or  the
       standard  input if no files are given.  A file name of `-'
       means standard  input.   Which  sections  are  printed  is
       selected by the options.

       The  byte-list,  character-list, and field-list are one or
       more numbers or ranges (two numbers separated by  a  dash)
       separated by commas.  The first byte, character, and field
       are numbered 1.  Incomplete  ranges  may  be  given:  `-m'
       means  `1-m';  `n-'  means `n' through end of line or last

       -b, --bytes byte-list
              Print only the bytes in positions listed  in  byte-
              list.   Tabs  and  backspaces  are treated like any
              other character; they take up 1 byte.

       -c, --characters character-list
              Print only characters in positions listed in  char-
              acter-list.   The  same as -b for now, but interna-
              tionalization   will   change   that.    Tabs   and
              backspaces  are  treated  like any other character;
              they take up 1 character.

       -f, --fields field-list
              Print only the fields listed in field-list.  Fields
              are separated by a TAB by default.

       -d, --delimiter delim
              For -f, fields are separated by the first character
              in delim instead of by TAB.

       -n     Do not split multibyte characters (no-op for  now).

       -s, --only-delimited
              For  -f, do not print lines that do not contain the
              field separator character.

       --help Print a usage message and exit with a  status  code
              indicating success.

              Print  version  information on standard output then

FSF                     GNU Text Utilities                      1

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