Computer Science

CREATEDB(1)                                           CREATEDB(1)

       createdb - Create a new Postgres database

       createdb [ dbname ]
       createdb [ -h host ] [ -p port ]
             [ -D datadir ] [ -u ] [ dbname ]

       -h host
              Specifies  the hostname of the machine on which the
              postmaster is running. Defaults to  using  a  local
              Unix domain socket rather than an IP connection.

       -p port
              Specifies  the  Internet  TCP/IP port or local Unix
              domain socket file extension on which the  postmas-
              ter  is  listening for connections. The port number
              defaults to 5432, or the value of the PGPORT  envi-
              ronment variable (if set).

       -u     Use  password authentication.  Prompts for username
              and password.

       -D datadir
              Specifies the alternate database location for  this
              database installation.  This is the location of the
              installation system tables,  not  the  location  of
              this specific database, which may be different.

       dbname Specifies  the  name of the database to be created.
              The  name  must  be  unique  among   all   Postgres
              databases in this installation.  dbname defaults to
              the value of the USER environment variable.

       createdb will create files in the PGDATA/dbname/ data area
       for the new database.

       Connection to database 'template1' failed.
              createdb could not attach to the postmaster process
              on the specified host and port.  If  you  see  this
              message,  ensure  that the postmaster is running on
              the proper host and that  you  have  specified  the
              proper  port.  If  your site uses an authentication
              system, ensure that you have obtained the  required
              authentication credentials.

       Connection to database 'template1' failed.
              You  do  not  have  a  valid  entry in the relation
              pg_shadow and and will not  be  allowed  to  access
              Postgres.  Contact your Postgres administrator.

       ERROR: user 'username' is not allowed to create/destroy
              You do not have permission to create new databases.
              Contact your Postgres site administrator.

       ERROR: createdb: database 'dbname' already exists.
              The database already exists.

       createdb: database creation failed on dbname.
              An internal error occurred in psql or in the  back-
              end server. Ensure that your site administrator has
              properly installed Postgresand initialized the site
              with initdb.

              Note: createdb internally runs CREATE DATABASE from
              psql while connected to the template1 database.

       createdb creates a new Postgres database.  The person  who
       executes  this command becomes the database administrator,
       or DBA, for this database and is the  only  person,  other
       than the Postgres super-user, who can destroy it.

       createdb  is  a  shell script that invokes psql.  Hence, a
       postmaster process must be running on the database  server
       host before createdb is executed. The PGOPTION and PGREALM
       environment variables will be passed on to psql  and  pro-
       cessed as described in psql(1).

       To  create  the  database demo using the postmaster on the
       local host, port 5432:

       $ createdb demo

       To create the database demo using the postmaster  on  host
       eden, port 5000:

       $ createdb -p 5000 -h eden demo

Application               15 August 1999                        1

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