Computer Science

CPROTO(1)                                               CPROTO(1)

       cproto  - generate C function prototypes and convert func-
       tion definitions

       cproto [ option ...  ] [ file ...  ]

       Cproto generates function prototypes for functions defined
       in  the  specified  C source files to the standard output.
       The function definitions may be in the old style or ANSI C
       style.   Optionally,  cproto also outputs declarations for
       variables defined in the files.  If no  file  argument  is
       given, cproto reads its input from the standard input.

       By  giving a command line option, cproto will also convert
       function definitions in the specified files from  the  old
       style  to  the  ANSI  C  style.  The original source files
       along with files specified by

            #include "file"

       directives appearing in the source code will be  overwrit-
       ten  with  the converted code.  If no file names are given
       on the command line, then the  program  reads  the  source
       code  from  the  standard  input and outputs the converted
       source to the standard output.

       If any comments appear in the parameter declarations for a
       function definition, such as in the example,

            main (argc, argv)
            int argc;       /* number of arguments */
            char *argv[];   /* arguments */

       then the converted function definition will have the form

            main (
                int argc,       /* number of arguments */
                char *argv[]   /* arguments */

       Otherwise,  the  converted  function  definition will look

            main (int argc, char *argv[])

       Cproto can optionally convert  function  definitions  from
       the  ANSI  style to the old style.  In this mode, the pro-
       gram also converts  function  declarators  and  prototypes
       that  appear  outside function bodies.  This is not a com-
       plete ANSI C to old C conversion.  The  program  does  not
       change anything within function bodies.

       Cproto can optionally generate source in lint-library for-
       mat.  This is useful in environments where the lint  util-
       ity  is used to supplement prototype checking of your pro-

       -e     Output the keyword extern in front of every  gener-
              ated  prototype  or  declaration  that  has  global

       -f n   Set the  style  of  generated  function  prototypes
              where n is a number from 0 to 3.  For example, con-
              sider the function definition

                   main (argc, argv)
                   int argc;
                   char *argv[];

              If the value is 0, then no  prototypes  are  gener-
              ated.  When set to 1, the output is:

                   int main(/*int argc, char *argv[]*/);

              For a value of 2, the output has the form:

                   int main(int /*argc*/, char */*argv*/[]);

              The default value is 3.  It produces the full func-
              tion prototype:

                   int main(int argc, char *argv[]);

       -l     Generate text for  a  lint-library  (overrides  the
              "-f" option).  The output includes the comment

                   /* LINTLIBRARY */

              Special  comments LINT_EXTERN and LINT_PREPRO (a la
              "VARARGS") respectively turn on the "-x" option and
              copy  comment-text to the output (for preprocessing
              in lint).  Use the comment

                   /* LINT_EXTERN2 */

              to include externs defined in the  first  level  of
              include-files.  Use the comment

                   /* LINT_SHADOWED */

              to  cause  cproto to put "#undef" directives before
              each lint library declaration (i.e., to avoid  con-
              flicts  with macros that happen to have to have the
              same name as the  functions,  thus  causing  syntax

       Note  that  these special comments are not supported under
       VAX/VMS, since there is no equivalent for the "-C"  option
       of cpp with VAX-C.

       -c     The  parameter comments in the prototypes generated
              by the -f1 and -f2 options are omitted by  default.
              Use  this option to enable the output of these com-

       -m     Put a macro around the parameter list of every gen-
              erated prototype.  For example:

                   int main P_((int argc, char *argv[]));

       -M name
              Set  the  name of the macro used to surround proto-
              type parameter lists when option  -m  is  selected.
              The default is "P_".

       -d     Omit  the definition of the prototype macro used by
              the -m option.

       -o file
              Specify the name of the output file (default: stan-
              dard output).

       -O file
              Specify  the name of the error file (default: stan-
              dard error).

       -p     Disable promotion of formal parameters in old style
              function  definitions.   By  default, parameters of
              type char or short in old  style  function  defini-
              tions are promoted to type int in the function pro-
              totype or converted  ANSI  C  function  definition.
              Parameters  of type float get promoted to double as

       -q     Do not output any error messages when  the  program
              cannot  read  the  file  specified  in  an #include

       -s     By default, cproto only generates declarations  for
              functions  and variables having global scope.  This
              option will output static declarations as well.

       -S     Output only static declarations.

       -T     Copy type definitions from each file.  (Definitions
              in  included-files  are  copied,  unlike  the  "-l"

       -v     Also output declarations for variables  defined  in
              the source.

       -x     This  option  causes procedures and variables which
              are declared "extern" to be included in the output.

       -a     Convert  function definitions from the old style to
              the ANSI C style.

       -t     Convert function definitions from the ANSI C  style
              to the traditional style.

       -b     Rewrite  function  definition heads to include both
              old style and new style declarations separated by a
              conditional  compilation  directive.   For example,
              the program can generate this function definition:

                   #ifdef ANSI_FUNC

                   main (int argc, char *argv[])

                   main (argc, argv)
                   int argc;
                   char *argv[]

       -B directive
              Set the conditional compilation directive to output
              at  the beginning of function definitions generated
              by the -b option.  The default is

                   #ifdef ANSI_FUNC

       -P template
       -F template
       -C template
            Set the output format for generated prototypes, func-
            tion   definitions,  and  function  definitions  with
            parameter comments respectively.  The format is spec-
            ified by a template in the form

                 " int f ( a, b )"

            but  you  may  replace each space in this string with
            any number of whitespace  characters.   For  example,
            the option

                 -F"int f(\n\ta,\n\tb\n\t)"

            will produce

                 int main(
                         int argc,
                         char *argv[]

       -D name[=value]
              This  option  is passed through to the preprocessor
              and is used to define symbols for use  with  condi-
              tionals such as #ifdef.

       -U name
              This  option  is passed through to the preprocessor
              and is used to remove any definitions of this  sym-

       -I directory
              This  option  is passed through to the preprocessor
              and is used to specify a directory  to  search  for
              files that are referenced with #include.

       -E cpp Pipe  the  input files through the specified C pre-
              processor command when generating  prototypes.   By
              default, the program uses /lib/cpp.

       -E 0   Do not run the C preprocessor.

       -V     Print version information.

       The  environment  variable CPROTO is scanned for a list of
       options in the same format as the  command  line  options.
       Options given on the command line override any correspond-
       ing environment option.

       If an un-tagged struct, union or enum declaration  appears
       in  a  generated  function prototype or converted function
       definition, the content of  the  declaration  between  the
       braces is empty.

       The  program  does not pipe the source files through the C
       preprocessor when it is converting  function  definitions.
       Instead,  it  tries  to handle preprocessor directives and
       macros itself and can be confused by tricky  macro  expan-
       sions.   The conversion also discards some comments in the
       function definition head.

       The -v option does not generate declarations for variables
       defined  with the extern specifier.  This doesn't strictly
       conform to the C  language  standard  but  this  rule  was
       implemented  because  include files commonly declare vari-
       ables this way.

       When the program encounters an error, it  usually  outputs
       the  not  very  descriptive message "syntax error".  (Your
       configuration may allow the extended  error  reporting  in

       Options that take string arguments only interpret the fol-
       lowing character escape sequences:

            \n   newline
            \s   space
            \t   tab

       VARARGS comments don't get passed through on systems whose
       C  preprocessors  don't  support  this (e.g., VAX/VMS, MS-

       Chin Huang

       Thomas Dickey
       modifications to support lint library, type-copying, and port to VAX/VMS.

       cc(1), cpp(1)

                           January 1998                         1

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