Computer Science

CONTROL-PANEL(8)                                 CONTROL-PANEL(8)

       control-panel - Launches the various Red Hat system admin-
       istration tools.

       control-panel [ options ]

       control-panel is a convenient way to launch the various X-
       based  system  administration tools that are included with
       Red Hat Linux.

       This program has no command line options of it's own,  but
       it  does take the standard X program options like -display
       and such.  See the X(1) man page for some  of  the  common

                                The   files   in  this  directory
                                describe   what   entries   there
                                should  be  in the control panel.
                                The administration tools  install
                                the  proper  files  here and con-
                                trol-panel parses them.

       The scrolled window doesn't resize very nicely.   This  is
       due to a lack in gtk+, and should be fixed in future iter-
       ations of the library.

       Otto Hammersmith <>

Red Hat Software         17 October 1997                        1

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