Computer Science

CONFSTR(3)          Linux Programmer's Manual          CONFSTR(3)

       confstr - get configuration dependent string variables

       #define __USE_POSIX_2
       #include <unistd.h>

       size_t confstr(int name, char *buf, size_t len);

       confstr()  gets  the  value  of  configuration - dependent
       string variables.

       The name argument is the system variable  to  be  queried.
       The following variables are supported:

              A value for the PATH variable which indicates where
              all the POSIX.2 standard utilities can be found.

       If buf is not NULL, and len is not zero, confstr()  copies
       the  value of the string to buf truncated to len - 1 char-
       acters if necessary, with a null character as termination.
       This can be detected by comparing the return value of con-
       fstr() against len.

       If len is zero and buf is NULL, confstr() just returns the
       value as defined below.

       If name does not correspond to a valid configuration vari-
       able, confstr() returns 0.

       The following code fragment determines the path  where  to
       find the POSIX.2 system utilities:

          char *pathbuf; size_t n;

          n = confstr(_CS_PATH,NULL,(size_t)0);
          if ((pathbuf = malloc(n)) == NULL) abort();
          confstr(_CS_PATH, pathbuf, n);

       If the value of name is invalid, errno is set to EINVAL.

       proposed POSIX.2

       POSIX.2  is  not yet an approved standard; the information
       in this manpage is subject to change.

       sh(1), exec(3), system(3)

GNU                       April 17, 1993                        1

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