Computer Science

CKSUM(1)                                                 CKSUM(1)

       cksum - checksum and count the bytes in a file

       cksum [--help] [--version] [file...]

       This  manual  page  documents  the  GNU  version of cksum.
       cksum computes a cyclic redundancy check  (CRC)  for  each
       named  file,  or  the  standard input if none are given or
       when a file named `-' is given.  It  prints  the  CRC  for
       each  file along with the number of bytes in the file, and
       the file name unless no arguments were given.

       cksum is typically used to make sure that files have  been
       transferred by unreliable means (such as netnews) have not
       been corrupted, by comparing  the  cksum  output  for  the
       received  files  with  the  cksum  output for the original
       files.  The CRC algorithm  is  specified  by  the  POSIX.2
       standard.   It  is not compatible with the BSD or System V
       sum programs; it is more robust.

       --help Print a usage message and exit with a  status  code
              indicating success.

              Print  version  information on standard output then

FSF                     GNU Text Utilities                      1

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