Computer Science

CHDIR(2)            Linux Programmer's Manual            CHDIR(2)

       chdir, fchdir - change working directory

       #include <unistd.h>

       int chdir(const char *path);
       int fchdir(int fd);

       chdir  changes  the current directory to that specified in

       fchdir is identical to chdir, only that the  directory  is
       given as an open file descriptor.

       On  success,  zero is returned.  On error, -1 is returned,
       and errno is set appropriately.

       Depending  on  the  file  system,  other  errors  can   be
       returned.   The  more  general errors for chdir are listed

       EFAULT  path points outside your accessible address space.

               path is too long.

       ENOENT  The file does not exist.

       ENOMEM  Insufficient kernel memory was available.

       ENOTDIR A component of path is not a directory.

       EACCES  Search  permission  is  denied  on  a component of

       ELOOP   Too  many  symbolic  links  were  encountered   in
               resolving path.

       EIO     An I/O error occurred.

       The general errors for fchdir are listed below:

       EBADF   fd is not a valid file descriptor.

       EACCES  Search permission was denied on the directory open
               on fd.

       The chdir call  is  compatible  with  SVr4,  SVID,  POSIX,
       X/OPEN, 4.4BSD.  SVr4 documents additional EINTR, ENOLINK,
       and EMULTIHOP error conditions but has no ENOMEM.  POSIX.1
       does  not  have  ENOMEM or ELOOP error conditions.  X/OPEN
       does not have EFAULT, ENOMEM or EIO error conditions.

       The fchdir  call  is  compatible  with  SVr4,  4.4BSD  and
       X/OPEN.  SVr4 documents additional EIO, EINTR, and ENOLINK
       error conditions.  X/OPEN documents additional  EINTR  and
       EIO error conditions.

       getcwd(3), chroot(2)

Linux 2.0.30              21 August 1997                        1

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