Computer Science


Section 7 - System Catalogs
       In this section we list each of the attributes of the sys-
       tem catalogs and define their meanings.

       These catalogs form the core of the extensibility system:

     name         shared/local description
     pg_aggregate local        aggregate functions
     pg_am        local        access methods
     pg_amop      local        operators usable with specific access methods
     pg_amproc    local        procedures used with specific access methods
     pg_attribute local        class attributes
     pg_class     local        classes
     pg_index     local        secondary indices
     pg_inherits  local        class inheritance hierarchy
     pg_language  local        procedure implementation languages
     pg_opclass   local        operator classes
     pg_operator  local        query language operators
     pg_proc      local        procedures (functions)
     pg_type      local        data types

       These catalogs deal with identification of entities  known
       throughout the site:

     name         shared/local description
     pg_database  shared       current databases
     pg_group     shared       user groups
     pg_shadow    shared       valid users

     name         shared/local description
     pg_listener  local        processes waiting on alerters
     pg_prs2plans local        instance system procedures
     pg_prs2rule  local        instance system rules
     pg_prs2stub  local        instance system ``stubs''
     pg_rewrite   local        rewrite system information

       These  catalogs  are specific to the Inversion file system
       and large objects in general:

     name         shared/local description
     pg_lobj      local        description of a large object
     pg_naming    local        Inversion name space mapping
     pg_platter   local        jukebox platter inventory
     pg_plmap     local        jukebox platter extent map

       These catalogs are internal classes that are not stored as
       normal  heaps  and cannot be accessed through normal means
       (attempting to do so causes an error).

     name         shared/local description
     pg_log       shared       transaction commit/rollback log
     pg_magic     shared       magic constant
     pg_time      shared       commit/rollback times
     pg_variable  shared       special variable values

       There are several other classes defined with "pg_"  names.
       Aside  from  those  that end in "ind" (secondary indices),
       these are all obsolete or otherwise deprecated.

       The following catalogs relate to the class/type system.
        * aggregates
        * see DEFINE AGGREGATE for an explanation of transition functions
           NameData      aggname      /* aggregate name (e.g., "count") */
           oid         aggowner       /* usesysid of creator */
           regproc     aggtransfn1    /* first transition function */
           regproc     aggtransfn2    /* second transition function */
           regproc     aggfinalfn     /* final function */
           oid         aggbasetype    /* type of data on which aggregate
                                         operates */
           oid         aggtranstype1  /* type returned by aggtransfn1 */
           oid         aggtranstype2  /* type returned by aggtransfn2 */
           oid         aggfinaltype   /* type returned by aggfinalfn */
           text        agginitval1    /* external format of initial
                                         (starting) value of aggtransfn1 */
           text        agginitval2    /* external format of initial
                                         (starting) value of aggtransfn2 */
           NameData      amname       /* access method name */
           oid         amowner        /* usesysid of creator */
           char        amkind         /* - deprecated */
                                      /* originally:
                                         s=special */
           int2        amstrategies   /* total NUMBER of strategies by which
                                         we can traverse/search this AM */
           int2        amsupport      /* total NUMBER of support functions
                                         that this AM uses */
           regproc     amgettuple     /* "next valid tuple" function */
           regproc     aminsert       /* "insert this tuple" function */
           regproc     amdelete       /* "delete this tuple" function */
           regproc     amgetattr      /* - deprecated */
           regproc     amsetlock      /* - deprecated */
           regproc     amsettid       /* - deprecated */
           regproc     amfreetuple    /* - deprecated */
           regproc     ambeginscan    /* "start new scan" function */
           regproc     amrescan       /* "restart this scan" function */
           regproc     amendscan      /* "end this scan" function */
           regproc     ammarkpos      /* "mark current scan position"
                                         function */
           regproc     amrestrpos     /* "restore marked scan position"
                                         function */
           regproc     amopen         /* - deprecated */
           regproc     amclose        /* - deprecated */
           regproc     ambuild        /* "build new index" function */
           regproc     amcreate       /* - deprecated */
           regproc     amdestroy      /* - deprecated */
           oid         amopid         /* access method with which this
                                         operator be used */
           oid         amopclaid      /* operator class with which this
                                         operator can be used */
           oid         amopopr        /* the operator */
           int2        amopstrategy   /* traversal/search strategy number
                                         to which this operator applies */
           regproc     amopselect     /* function to calculate the operator
                                         selectivity */
           regproc     amopnpages     /* function to calculate the number of
                                         pages that will be examined */
           oid         amid           /* access method with which this
                                         procedure is associated */
           oid         amopclaid      /* operator class with which this
                                         operator can be used */
           oid         amproc         /* the procedure */
           int2        amprocnum      /* support function number to which
                                         this operator applies */
            NameData     relname      /* class name */
            oid        relowner       /* usesysid of owner */
            oid        relam          /* access method */
            int4       relpages       /* # of 8KB pages */
            int4       reltuples      /* # of instances */
            abstime    relexpires     /* time after which instances are
                                         deleted from non-archival storage */
            reltime    relpreserved   /* timespan after which instances are
                                         deleted from non-archival storage */
            bool       relhasindex    /* does the class have a secondary
                                         index? */
            bool       relisshared    /* is the class shared or local? */
            char       relkind        /* type of relation:
                                         r=relation (heap)
                                         u=uncatalogued (temporary) */
            char       relarch        /* archive mode:
                                         n=none */
            int2       relnatts       /* current # of non-system
                                         attributes */
            int2       relsmgr        /* storage manager:
                                         0=magnetic disk
                                         1=sony WORM jukebox
                                         2=main memory */
            int28      relkey         /* - unused */
            oid8       relkeyop       /* - unused */
            aclitem    relacl[1]      /* access control lists */
           oid         attrelid       /* class containing this attribute */
           NameData      attname      /* attribute name */
           oid         atttypid       /* attribute type */
           oid         attdefrel      /* - deprecated */
           int4        attnvals       /* - deprecated */
           oid         atttyparg      /* - deprecated */
           int2        attlen         /* attribute length, in bytes
                                         -1=variable */
           int2        attnum         /* attribute number
                                         >0=user attribute
                                         <0=system attribute */
           int2        attbound       /* - deprecated */
           bool        attbyval       /* type passed by value? */
           bool        attcanindex    /* - deprecated */
           oid         attproc        /* - deprecated */
           int4        attnelems      /* # of array dimensions */
           int4        attcacheoff    /* cached offset into tuple */
           bool        attisset       /* is attribute set-valued? */
           oid         inhrel         /* child class */
           oid         inhparent      /* parent class */
           int4        inhseqno       /* - deprecated */
           oid         indexrelid     /* oid of secondary index class */
           oid         indrelid       /* oid of indexed heap class */
           oid         indproc        /* function to compute index key from
                                         attribute(s) in heap
                                         0=not a functional index */
           int28       indkey         /* attribute numbers of key
                                         attribute(s) */
           oid8        indclass       /* opclass of each key */
           bool        indisclustered /* is the index clustered?
                                         - unused */
           bool        indisarchived  /* is the index archival?
                                         - unused */
           text        indpred        /* query plan for partial index
                                         predicate */
           NameData      typname      /* type name */
           oid         typowner       /* usesysid of owner */
           int2        typlen         /* length in internal form
                                         -1=variable-length */
           int2        typprtlen      /* length in external form */
           bool        typbyval       /* type passed by value? */
           char        typtype        /* kind of type:
                                         c=catalog (composite)
                                         b=base */
           bool        typisdefined   /* defined or still a shell? */
           char        typdelim       /* delimiter for array external form */
           oid         typrelid       /* class (if composite) */
           oid         typelem        /* type of each array element */
           regproc     typinput       /* external-internal conversion
                                         function */
           regproc     typoutput      /* internal-external conversion
                                         function */
           regproc     typreceive     /* client-server conversion function */
           regproc     typsend        /* server-client conversion function */
           text        typdefault     /* default value */
           NameData      oprname      /* operator name */
           oid         oprowner       /* usesysid of owner */
           int2        oprprec        /* - deprecated */
           char        oprkind        /* kind of operator:
                                         l=left unary
                                         r=right unary */
           bool        oprisleft      /* is operator left/right associative? */
           bool        oprcanhash     /* is operator usable for hashjoin? */
           oid         oprleft        /* left operand type */
           oid         oprright       /* right operand type */
           oid         oprresult      /* result type */
           oid         oprcom         /* commutator operator */
           oid         oprnegate      /* negator operator */
           oid         oprlsortop     /* sort operator for left operand */
           oid         oprrsortop     /* sort operator for right operand */
           regproc     oprcode        /* function implementing this operator */
           regproc     oprrest        /* function to calculate operator
                                         restriction selectivity */
           regproc     oprjoin        /* function to calculate operator
                                         join selectivity */
           NameData      opcname      /* operator class name */
           NameData      proname      /* function name */
           oid         proowner       /* usesysid of owner */
           oid         prolang        /* function implementation language */
           bool        proisinh       /* - deprecated */
           bool        proistrusted   /* run in server or untrusted function
                                         process? */
           bool        proiscachable  /* can the function return values be
                                         cached? */
           int2        pronargs       /* # of arguments */
           bool        proretset      /* does the function return a set?
                                         - unused */
           oid         prorettype     /* return type */
           oid8        proargtypes    /* argument types */
           int4        probyte_pct    /* % of argument size (in bytes) that
                                         needs to be examined in order to
                                         compute the function */
           int4        properbyte_cpu /* sensitivity of the function's
                                         running time to the size of its
                                         inputs */
           int4        propercall_cpu /* overhead of the function's
                                         invocation (regardless of input
                                         size) */
           int4        prooutin_ratio /* size of the function's output as a
                                         percentage of the size of the input */
           text        prosrc         /* function definition:
                                         INTERNAL function: actual C name of function
                                         C function: currently, this field is unused
                                         SQL function: text of query(s)
                                         PL function: text in procedural language */
           bytea       probin         /* path to object file (C functions only) */
           NameData      lanname      /* language name */
           text        lancompiler    /* - deprecated */

           NameData      datname      /* database name */
           oid         datdba         /* usesysid of database administrator */
           text        datpath        /* directory of database under
                                         $PGDATA */
           NameData      groname      /* group name */
           int2        grosysid       /* group's UNIX group id */
           int2        grolist[1]     /* list of usesysids of group members */
           NameData      usename      /* user's name */
           int2        usesysid       /* user's UNIX user id */
           bool        usecreatedb    /* can user create databases? */
           bool        usetrace       /* can user set trace flags? */
           bool        usesuper       /* can user be POSTGRES superuser? */
           bool        usecatupd      /* can user update catalogs? */

           NameData      relname      /* class for which asynchronous
                                         notification is desired */
           int4        listenerpid    /* process id of server corresponding
                                         to a frontend program waiting for
                                         asynchronous notification */
           int4        notification   /* whether an event notification for
                                         this process id still pending */

           NameData      prs2name     /* rule name */
           char        prs2eventtype  /* rule event type:
                                         U=update (replace)
                                         D=delete */
           oid         prs2eventrel   /* class to which event applies */
           int2        prs2eventattr  /* attribute to which event applies */
           float8      necessary      /* - deprecated */
           float8      sufficient     /* - deprecated */
           text        prs2text       /* text of original rule definition */
           oid         prs2ruleid     /* prs2rule instance for which this
                                         plan is used */
           int2        prs2planno     /* plan number (one rule may invoke
                                         multiple plans) */
           text        prs2code       /* external representation of the plan */
           oid         prs2relid      /* class to which this rule applies */
           bool        prs2islast     /* is this the last stub fragment? */
           int4        prs2no         /* stub fragment number */
           stub        prs2stub       /* stub fragment */
           NameData      rulename     /* rule name */
           char        ev_type        /* event type:
                                         RETRIEVE, REPLACE, APPEND, DELETE
                                         codes are parser-dependent (!?) */
           oid         ev_class       /* class to which this rule applies */
           int2        ev_attr        /* attribute to which this rule applies */
           bool        is_instead     /* is this an "instead" rule? */
           text        ev_qual        /* qualification with which to modify
                                         (rewrite) the plan that triggered this
                                         rule */
           text        action         /* parse tree of action */

           oid         ourid          /* 'ourid' from pg_naming that
                                         identifies this object in the
                                         Inversion file system namespace */
           int4        objtype        /* storage type code:
                                         3=Jaquith */
           bytea       object_descripto/* opaque object-handle structure */
           NameData      filename     /* filename component */
           oid         ourid          /* random oid used to identify this
                                         instance in other instances (can't
                                         use the actual oid for obscure
                                         reasons */
           oid         parentid       /* pg_naming instance of parent
                                         Inversion file system directory */
            NameData     plname       /* platter name */
            int4       plstart        /* the highest OCCUPIED extent */
            oid        plid           /* platter (in pg_platter) on which
                                         this extent (of blocks) resides */
            oid        pldbid         /* database of the class to which this
                                         extent (of blocks) belongs */
            oid        plrelid        /* class to which this extend (of
                                         blocks) belongs */
            int4       plblkno        /* starting block number within the
                                         class */
            int4       ploffset       /* offset within the platter at which
                                         this extent begins */
            int4       plextentsz     /* length of this extent */

PostgreSQL                   03/13/94                           1

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