Computer Science

BSEARCH(3)          Linux Programmer's Manual          BSEARCH(3)

       bsearch - binary search of a sorted array.

       #include <stdlib.h>

       void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t nmemb,
              size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));

       The bsearch() function searches an array of nmemb objects,
       the initial member of which is pointed to by base,  for  a
       member  that  matches  the  object pointed to by key.  The
       size of each member of the array is specified by size.

       The contents of the array should be  in  ascending  sorted
       order  according  to the comparison function referenced by
       compar.  The compar routine is expected to have two  argu-
       ments  which  point to the key object and to an array mem-
       ber, in that order, and  should  return  an  integer  less
       than,  equal to, or greater than zero if the key object is
       found, respectively, to be less  than,  to  match,  or  be
       greater than the array member.

       The  bsearch()  function  returns  a pointer to a matching
       member of the array, or NULL if no  match  is  found.   If
       there  are  multiple elements that match the key, the ele-
       ment returned is unspecified.

       SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899


GNU                       March 29, 1993                        1

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