Computer Science

apachectl(1)                                         apachectl(1)

       apachectl - Apache HTTP server control interface

       apachectl command [...]

       apachectl  is a front end to the Apache HyperText Transfer
       Protocol (HTTP) server.  It is designed to help the admin-
       istrator  control the functioning of the Apache httpd dae-

       NOTE: If your Apache installation uses non-standard paths,
       you  will  need  to  edit  the apachectl script to set the
       appropriate paths to your PID file and your httpd  binary.
       See the comments in the script for details.

       The  apachectl  script  returns a 0 exit value on success,
       and >0 if an error occurs.  For  more  details,  view  the
       comments in the script.

       Full    documentation   for   Apache   is   available   at

       The command can be  any  one  or  more  of  the  following

       start       Start the Apache daemon.  Gives an error if it
                   is already running.

       stop        Stops the Apache daemon.

       restart     Restarts the Apache daemon  by  sending  it  a
                   SIGHUP.   If  the daemon is not running, it is
                   started.  This  command  automatically  checks
                   the  configuration files via configtest before
                   initiating the restart  to  make  sure  Apache
                   doesn't die.

       fullstatus  Displays a full status report from mod_status.
                   For this to work, you need to have  mod_status
                   enabled   on  your  server  and  a  text-based
                   browser such as lynx available on your system.
                   The  URL  used to access the status report can
                   be set by editing the  STATUSURL  variable  in
                   the script.

       status      Displays  a  brief  status report.  Similar to
                   the fullstatus option, except that the list of
                   requests currently being served is omitted.

       graceful    Gracefully restarts the Apache daemon by send-
                   ing it a SIGUSR1.  If the daemon is  not  run-
                   ning, it is started.  This differs from a nor-
                   mal restart in that currently open connections
                   are  not  aborted.   A side effect is that old
                   log files  will  not  be  closed  immediately.
                   This  means  that  if  used  in a log rotation
                   script, a substantial delay may  be  necessary
                   to  ensure  that  the old log files are closed
                   before processing them.  This command automat-
                   ically checks the configuration files via con-
                   figtest before initiating the restart to  make
                   sure Apache doesn't die.

       configtest  Run  a  configuration  file  syntax  test.  It
                   parses  the  configuration  files  and  either
                   reports  Syntax  Ok  or  detailed  information
                   about the particular syntax error.

       help        Displays a short help message.


                          September 1997                        1

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