PHP Manual


To install the AMQP PHP extension, you must first install the » librabbitmq library. You will need the 0-9-1 version of the rabbitmq-c client library, linked to the rabbitmq-codegen version that corresponds to the version of the broker you are using. Use the following steps to download and install the library:

# Download the rabbitmq-c library @ version 0-9-1
  git clone git://
  cd rabbitmq-c
  # Enable and update the codegen git submodule
  git submodule init
  git submodule update
  # Configure, compile and install
  autoreconf -i && ./configure && make && sudo make install

Information for installing this PECL extension may be found in the manual chapter titled Installation of PECL extensions. Additional information such as new releases, downloads, source files, maintainer information, and a CHANGELOG, can be located here: »

Note to Windows users: This extension does not currently support Windows since the librabbitmq library does not yet support Windows.

PHP Manual