PHP Manual

The MongoDate class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


Represent date objects for the database. This class should be used to save dates to the database and to query for dates. For example:


// save a date to the database
$collection->save(array("ts" => new MongoDate()));

$start = new MongoDate(strtotime("2010-01-15 00:00:00"));
$end = new MongoDate(strtotime("2010-01-30 00:00:00"));

// find dates between 1/15/2010 and 1/30/2010
$collection->find(array("ts" => array('$gt' => $start'$lte' => $end)));


MongoDB stores dates as milliseconds past the epoch. This means that dates do not contain timezone information. Timezones must be stored in a separate field if needed. Second, this means that any precision beyond milliseconds will be lost when the document is sent to/from the database.

Class synopsis

MongoDate {
/* Fields */
public int $sec ;
public int $usec ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ([ int $sec = time() [, int $usec = 0 ]] )
public string __toString ( void )

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