The preset definition generates a new definition based on a current definition with some attributes or elements preset.
since Ant 1.6
The resolution of properties in any of the attributes or nested text takes place with the definition is used and not when the preset definition is defined.
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | the name of the new definition | Yes |
uri | The uri that this definition should live in. | No |
The <presetdef> task takes one nested element as a parameter. This nested element can be any other type or task. The attributes and elements that need to be preset are placed here.
This can be used as a normal javac task - example:<presetdef name="my.javac"> <javac debug="${debug}" deprecation="${deprecation}" srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}"> <src path="${gen.dir}"/> </javac> </presetdef>
The attributes specified in the preset task may be overridden - i.e. they may be seen as optional attributes - example:<my.javac/>
One may put a presetdef definition in an antlib. For example suppose the jar file antgoodies.jar has the antlib.xml as follows:<my.javac srcdir="${test.src}" deprecation="no"/>
One may then use this in a build file as follows:<antlib> <taskdef resource="com/acme/antgoodies/"/> <!-- Implement the common use of the javac command --> <presetdef name="javac"> <javac deprecation="${deprecation}" debug="${debug}" srcdir="src" destdir="classes"/> </presetdef> </antlib>
<project default="example" xmlns:antgoodies="antlib:com.acme.antgoodies"> <target name="example"> <!-- Compile source --> <antgoodies:javac srcdir="src/main"/> <!-- Compile test code --> <antgoodies:javac srcdir="src/test"/> </target> </project>
The following is an example of evaluation of properties when the definition is used:
<target name="defineandcall"> <presetdef name="showmessage"> <echo>message is '${message}'</echo> </presetdef> <showmessage/> <property name="message" value="Message 1"/> <showmessage/> <antcall target="called"> <param name="message" value="Message 2"/> </antcall> </target> <target name="called"> <showmessage/> </target>
The command ant defineandcall results in the output:
defineandcall: [showmessage] message is '${message}' [showmessage] message is 'Message 1' called: [showmessage] message is 'Message 2'
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