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7.10 Optimization constraints

7.10.1 fd_minimize/2, fd_maximize/2


fd_minimize(+callable_term, ?fd_variable)
fd_maximize(+callable_term, ?fd_variable)

fd_minimize(Goal, X) repeatedly calls Goal to find a value that minimizes the variable X. Goal is a Prolog goal that should instantiate X, a common case being the use of fd_labeling/2 (section 7.9.1). This predicate uses a branch-and-bound algorithm with restart: each time call(Goal) succeeds the computation restarts with a new constraint X #< V where V is the value of X at the end of the last call of Goal. When a failure occurs (either because there are no remaining choice-points for Goal or because the added constraint is inconsistent with the rest of the store) the last solution is recomputed since it is optimal.

fd_maximize(Goal, X) is similar to fd_minimize/2 but X is maximized.


Goal is a variable    instantiation_error
Goal is neither a variable nor a callable term    type_error(callable, Goal)
The predicate indicator Pred of Goal does not correspond to an existing procedure and the value of the unknown Prolog flag is error (section 6.22.1)    existence_error(procedure, Pred)
X is neither a variable nor an FD variable nor an integer    type_error(fd_variable, X)


GNU Prolog predicates.
Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Daniel Diaz

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