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6.14 Term input/output
These built-in predicates enable a Prolog term to be input from or output to a text stream. The atom end_of_file is returned as term to indicate the end-of-file. The syntax of such terms can also be altered by changing the operators (section 6.14.10), and making some characters equivalent to others (section 6.14.12) if the char_conversion Prolog flag is on (section 6.22.1). Double quoted tokens will be returned as an atom or a character list or a character code list depending on the value of the double_quotes Prolog flag (section 6.22.1).

6.14.1 read_term/3, read_term/2, read/2, read/1


read_term(+stream_or_alias, ?term, +read_option_list)
read_term(?term, +read_option_list)
read(+stream_or_alias, ?term)

read_term(SorA, Term, Options) is true if Term unifies with the next term read from the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA according to the options given by Options.

Read options: Options is a list of read options. If this list contains contradictory options, the rightmost option is the one which applies. Possible options are:

read(SorA, Term) is equivalent to read_term(SorA, Term, []).

read_term/2 and read/1 apply to the current input stream.


SorA is a variable    instantiation_error
Options is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable    instantiation_error
SorA is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias    domain_error(stream_or_alias, SorA)
Options is neither a partial list nor a list    type_error(list, Options)
an element E of the Options list is neither a variable nor a valid read option    domain_error(read_option, E)
SorA is not associated with an open stream    existence_error(stream, SorA)
SorA is an output stream    permission_error(input, stream, SorA)
SorA is associated with a binary stream    permission_error(input, binary_stream, SorA)
SorA has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error)    permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, SorA)
a syntax error occurs and the value of the syntax_error Prolog flag is error (section 6.22.1)    syntax_error(atom explaining the error)


ISO predicates. The ISO reference raises a representation_error(Flag) where Flag is max_arity, max_integer, or min_integer when the read term breaches an implementation defined limit specified by Flag. GNU Prolog detects neither min_integer nor max_integer violation and treats a max_arity violation as a syntax error. The read options syntax_error/1 and end_of_term/1 are GNU Prolog extensions.

6.14.2 read_atom/2, read_atom/1, read_integer/2, read_integer/1,
read_number/2, read_number/1


read_atom(+stream_or_alias, ?atom)
read_integer(+stream_or_alias, ?integer)
read_number(+stream_or_alias, ?number)

read_atom(SorA, Atom) succeeds if Atom unifies with the next atom read from the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA.

read_integer(SorA, Integer) succeeds if Integer unifies with the next integer read from the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA.

read_number(SorA, Number) succeeds if Number unifies with the next number (integer or floating point number) read from the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA.

read_atom/1, read_integer/1 and read_number/1 apply to the current input stream.


SorA is a variable    instantiation_error
Atom is neither a variable nor an atom    type_error(atom, Atom)
Integer is neither a variable nor an integer    type_error(integer, Integer)
Number is neither a variable nor a number    type_error(number, Number)
SorA is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias    domain_error(stream_or_alias, SorA)
SorA is not associated with an open stream    existence_error(stream, SorA)
SorA is an output stream    permission_error(input, stream, SorA)
SorA is associated with a binary stream    permission_error(input, binary_stream, SorA)
SorA has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error)    permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, SorA)
a syntax error occurs and the value of the syntax_error Prolog flag is error (section 6.22.1)    syntax_error(atom explaining the error)


GNU Prolog predicates.

6.14.3 read_token/2, read_token/1


read_token(+stream_or_alias, ?nonvar)

read_token(SorA, Token) succeeds if Token unifies with the encoding of the next Prolog token read from the stream associated with stream-term or alias SorA.

Token encoding:

As for read_term/3, the behavior of read_token/2 can be affected by some Prolog flags (section 6.14).

read_token/1 applies to the current input stream.


SorA is a variable    instantiation_error
SorA is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias    domain_error(stream_or_alias, SorA)
SorA is not associated with an open stream    existence_error(stream, SorA)
SorA is an output stream    permission_error(input, stream, SorA)
SorA is associated with a binary stream    permission_error(input, binary_stream, SorA)
SorA has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error)    permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, SorA)
a syntax error occurs and the value of the syntax_error Prolog flag is error (section 6.22.1)    syntax_error(atom explaining the error)


GNU Prolog predicates.

6.14.4 syntax_error_info/4


syntax_error_info(?atom, ?integer, ?integer, ?atom)

syntax_error_info(FileName, Line, Column, Error) returns the information associated to the last syntax error. Line is the line number of the error, Column is the column number of the error and Error is an atom explaining the error.


FileName is neither a variable nor an atom    type_error(atom, FileName)
Line is neither a variable nor an integer    type_error(integer, Line)
Column is neither a variable nor an integer    type_error(integer, Column)
Error is neither a variable nor an atom    type_error(atom, Error)


GNU Prolog predicate.

6.14.5 last_read_start_line_column/2


last_read_start_line_column(?integer, ?integer)

last_read_start_line_column(Line, Column) unifies Line and Column with the line number and the column number associated to the start of the last read predicate. This predicate can be used after calling one of the following predicates: read_term/3, read_term/2, read/2, read/1 (section 6.14.1), read_atom/2, read_atom/1, read_integer/2, read_integer/1, read_number/2, read_number/1 (section 6.14.2) or read_token/2, read_token/1 (section 6.14.3).


Line is neither a variable nor an integer    type_error(integer, Line)
Column is neither a variable nor an integer    type_error(integer, Column)


GNU Prolog predicate.

6.14.6 write_term/3, write_term/2, write/2, write/1, writeq/2, writeq/1,
write_canonical/2, write_canonical/1, display/2, display/1, print/2,


write_term(+stream_or_alias, ?term, +write_option_list)
write_term(?term, +write_option_list)
write(+stream_or_alias, ?term)
writeq(+stream_or_alias, ?term)
write_canonical(+stream_or_alias, ?term)
display(+stream_or_alias, ?term)
print(+stream_or_alias, ?term)

write_term(SorA, Term, Options) writes Term to the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA according to the options given by Options.

Write options: Options is a list of write options. If this list contains contradictory options, the rightmost option is the one which applies. Possible options are:

Variable numbering: when the numbervars(true) option is passed to write_term/3 any term of the form '$VAR'(N) where N is an integer is output as a variable name consisting of a capital letter possibly followed by an integer. The capital letter is the (I+1)th letter of the alphabet and the integer is J, where I = N mod 26 and J = N // 26. The integer J is omitted if it is zero. For example:

'$VAR'(0)    is written as A
'$VAR'(1)    is written as B
'$VAR'(25)    is written as Z
'$VAR'(26)    is written as A1
'$VAR'(27)    is written as B1
Variable naming: when the namevars(true) option is passed to write_term/3 any term of the form '$VARNAME'(Name) where Name is an atom is output as a variable name consisting of the characters Name. For example: '$VARNAME'('A') is written as A (even in the presence of the quoted(true) option).

write(SorA, Term) is equivalent to write_term(SorA, Term, []).

writeq(SorA, Term) is equivalent to write_term(SorA, Term, [quoted(true)]).

write_canonical(SorA, Term) is equivalent to write_term(SorA, Term, [quoted(true),
ignore_ops(true), numbervars(false)])

display(SorA, Term) is equivalent to write_term(SorA, Term, [ignore_ops(true),

print(SorA, Term) is equivalent to write_term(SorA, Term, [numbervars(false),

write_term/2, write/1, writeq/1, write_canonical/1, display/1 and print/1 apply to the current output stream.


SorA is a variable    instantiation_error
Options is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable    instantiation_error
Options is neither a partial list nor a list    type_error(list, Options)
SorA is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias    domain_error(stream_or_alias, SorA)
an element E of the Options list is neither a variable nor a valid write-option    domain_error(write_option, E)
SorA is not associated with an open stream    existence_error(stream, SorA)
SorA is an input stream    permission_error(output, stream, SorA)
SorA is associated with a binary stream    permission_error(output, binary_stream, SorA)


ISO predicates except display/1-2 and print/1-2 that are GNU Prolog predicates. namevars/1, space_args/1, portrayed/1 and max_depth/1 options are GNU Prolog extensions.

6.14.7 format/3, format/2


format(+stream_or_alias, +character_code_list_or_atom, +list)
format(+character_code_list_or_atom, +list)

format(SorA, Format, Arguments) writes the Format string replacing each format control sequence F by the corresponding element of Arguments (formatted according to F) to the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA.

Format control sequences: the general format of a control sequence is '~NC'. The character C determines the type of the control sequence. N is an optional numeric argument. An alternative form of N is '*'. '*' implies that the next argument Arg in Arguments should be used as a numeric argument in the control sequence. The use of C printf() formatting sequence (beginning by the character %) is also allowed. The following control sequences are available:

Format sequence
type of the argument
print the atom without quoting
character code
print the character associated to the code. N is the number of times to print the character (default: 1)
~Ne ~NE ~Ng ~NG
float expression
pass the argument Arg and N to the C printf() function as:
if N is not specified printf("%f",Arg) else printf("%.Nf",Arg).
Similarly for ~Ne, ~NE, ~Ng and ~NG
integer expression
print the argument. N is the number of digits after the decimal point. If N is 0 no decimal point is printed (default: 0)
integer expression
identical to ~Nd except that ',' separates groups of three digits to the left of the decimal point
integer expression
print the argument according to the radix N. 2 £ N £ 36 (default: 8). The letters a-z denote digits > 9
integer expression
identical to ~Nr except that the letters A-Z denote digits > 9
character code list
print exactly N characters (default: the length of the list)
character list
print exactly N characters (default: the length of the list)
ignore the current argument
pass the argument to write_canonical/1 (section 6.14.6)
pass the argument to print/1 (section 6.14.6)
pass the argument to writeq/1 (section 6.14.6)
pass the argument to write/1 (section 6.14.6)
print the character '~'
print N new-line characters (default: 1)
print a new-line character if not at the beginning of a line
use the argument as a nested format string
atom, integer or float expression
interface to the C function printf(3) for outputting atoms (C string), integers and floating point numbers. * are also allowed.

format/2 applies to the current output stream.


SorA is a variable    instantiation_error
Format is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable    instantiation_error
Arguments is a partial list    instantiation_error
Format is neither a partial list nor a list or an atom    type_error(list, Format)
Arguments is neither a partial list nor a list    type_error(list, Arguments)
an element E of the Format list is neither a variable nor a character code    representation_error(character_code, E)
SorA is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias    domain_error(stream_or_alias, SorA)
an element E of Format is not a valid format control sequence    domain_error(format_control_sequence, E)
the Arguments list does not contain sufficient elements    domain_error(non_empty_list, [])
an element E of the Arguments list is a variable while a non-variable term was expected    instantiation_error
an element E of the Arguments list is neither variable nor an atom while an atom was expected    type_error(atom, E)
an element E of the Arguments cannot be evaluated as an arithmetic expression while an integer or a floating point number was expected    an arithmetic error (section 6.6.1)
an element E of the Arguments list is neither variable nor character code while a character code was expected    representation_error(character_code, E)
SorA is not associated with an open stream    existence_error(stream, SorA)
SorA is an input stream    permission_error(output, stream, SorA)
SorA is associated with a binary stream    permission_error(output, binary_stream, SorA)


GNU Prolog predicates.

6.14.8 portray_clause/2, portray_clause/1


portray_clause(+stream_or_alias, +clause)

portray_clause(SorA, Clause) pretty prints Clause to the stream associated with the stream-term or alias SorA. portray_clause/2 uses the variable binding predicates name_singleton_vars/1 (section 6.5.1) and numbervars/1 (section 6.5.3). This predicate is used by listing/1 (section 6.23.3).

portray_clause/1 applies to the current output stream.


Clause is a variable    instantiation_error
Clause is neither a variable nor a callable term    type_error(callable, Clause)
SorA is a variable    instantiation_error
SorA is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias    domain_error(stream_or_alias, SorA)
SorA is not associated with an open stream    existence_error(stream, SorA)
SorA is an input stream    permission_error(output, stream, SorA)
SorA is associated with a binary stream    permission_error(output, binary_stream, SorA)


GNU Prolog predicates.

6.14.9 get_print_stream/1



get_print_stream(Stream) unifies Stream with the stream-term associated to the output stream used by print/2 (section 6.14.6). The purpose of this predicate is to allow a user-defined portray/1 predicate to identify the output stream in use.


Stream is not a variable    type_error(variable, Stream)


GNU Prolog predicate.

6.14.10 op/3


op(+integer, +operator_specifier, +atom_or_atom_list)

op(Priority, OpSpecifier, Operator) alters the operator table. Operator is declared as an operator with properties defined by specifier OpSpecifier and Priority. Priority must be an integer ³ 0 and £ 1200. If Priority is 0 then the operator properties of Operator (if any) are canceled. Operator may also be a list of atoms in which case all of them are declared to be operators. In general, operators can be removed from the operator table and their priority or specifier can be changed. However, it is an error to attempt to change the ',' operator from its initial status. An atom can have multiple operator definitions (e.g. prefix and infix like +) however an atom cannot have both an infix and a postfix operator definitions.

Operator specifiers: the following specifiers are available:

Specifier Type Associativity
fx prefix no
fy prefix yes
xf postfix no
yf postfix yes
xfx infix no
yfx infix left
xfy infix right

Prolog predefined operators:

Priority Specifier
1200 xfx
:-  -->
1200 fx
1100 xfy
1050 xfy
1000 xfy
900 fy
700 xfx
=  \=  =..  ==  \==  @<  @=<  @>  @>=  is  =:=  =\=  <  =<  >  >=
500 yfx
+  -  /\  \/
400 yfx
*  /  //  rem  mod  <<  >>
200 xfy
**  ^
200 fy
+  -  \

FD predefined operators:

Priority Specifier
750 xfy
#<=>  #\<=>
740 xfy
#==>  #\==>
730 xfy
##  #\/  #\\/
720 yfx
#/\  #\/\
710 fy
700 xfx
#=  #\=  #<  #=<  #>  #>=  #=#  #\=#  #<#  #=<#  #>#  #>=#
500 yfx
+  -
400 yfx
*  /  //  rem
200 xfy
200 fy
+  -


Priority is a variable    instantiation_error
OpSpecifier is a variable    instantiation_error
Operator is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable    instantiation_error
Priority is neither a variable nor an integer    type_error(integer, Priority)
OpSpecifier is neither a variable nor an atom    type_error(atom, OpSpecifier)
Operator is neither a partial list nor a list nor an atom    type_error(list, Operator)
an element E of the Operator list is neither a variable nor an atom    type_error(atom, E)
Priority is an integer not ³ 0 and £ 1200    domain_error(operator_priority, Priority)
OpSpecifier is not a valid operator specifier    domain_error(operator_specifier, OpSpecifier)
Operator is ',' or an element of the Operator list is ','    permission_error(modify, operator, ',')
OpSpecifier is a specifier such that Operator would have a postfix and an infix definition.    permission_error(create, operator, Operator)


ISO predicate.

The ISO reference implies that if a program calls current_op/3, then modifies an operator definition by calling op/3 and backtracks into the call to current_op/3, then the changes are guaranteed not to affect that current_op/3 goal. This is not guaranteed by GNU Prolog.

6.14.11 current_op/3


current_op(?integer, ?operator_specifier, ?atom)

current_op(Priority, OpSpecifier, Operator) succeeds if Operator is an operator with properties defined by specifier OpSpecifier and Priority. This predicate is re-executable on backtracking.


Priority is neither a variable nor an operator priority    domain_error(operator_priority, Priority)
OpSpecifier is neither a variable nor an operator specifier    domain_error(operator_specifier, OpSpecifier)
Operator is neither a variable nor an atom    type_error(atom, Operator)


ISO predicate.

6.14.12 char_conversion/2


char_conversion(+character, +character)

char_conversion(InChar, OutChar) alters the character-conversion mapping. This mapping is used by the following read predicates: read_term/3 (section 6.14.1), read_atom/2, read_integer/2, read_number/2 (section 6.14.2) and read_token/2 (section 6.14.3) to replace any occurrence of a character InChar by OutChar. However the conversion mechanism should have been previously activated by switching on the char_conversion Prolog flag (section 6.22.1). When InChar and OutChar are the same, the effect is to remove any conversion of a character InChar.

Note that the single character read predicates (e.g. get_char/2) never do character conversion. If such behavior is required, it must be explicitly done using current_char_conversion/2 (section 6.14.13).


InChar is a variable    instantiation_error
OutChar is a variable    instantiation_error
InChar is neither a variable nor a character    type_error(character, InChar)
OutChar is neither a variable nor a character    type_error(character, OutChar)


ISO predicate. The type_error(character,...) is a GNU Prolog behavior, the ISO reference instead defines a representation_error(character) in this case. This seems to be an error of the ISO reference since, for many other built-in predicates accepting a character (e.g. char_code/2, put_char/2), a type_error is raised.

The ISO reference implies that if a program calls current_char_conversion/2, then modifies the character mapping by calling char_conversion/2, and backtracks into the call to current_char_conversion/2 then the changes are guaranteed not to affect that current_char_conversion/2 goal. This is not guaranteed by GNU Prolog.

6.14.13 current_char_conversion/2


current_char_conversion(?character, ?character)

current_char_conversion(InChar, OutChar) succeeds if the conversion of InChar is OutChar according to the character-conversion mapping. In that case, InChar and OutChar are different. This predicate is re-executable on backtracking.


InChar is neither a variable nor a character    type_error(character, InChar)
OutChar is neither a variable nor a character    type_error(character, OutChar)


ISO predicate. Same remark as for char_conversion/2 (section 6.14.12).

Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Daniel Diaz

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

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