Installation Guide for DIGITAL UNIX Systems

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Appendix C
Recovering from Errors

This appendix provides information to help you deal with failures or errors that might occur during product installation or product use.

If you find an error in the documentation, report it to the following Internet address:

Include the title of the document, section and page number where the error occurred.

C.1 Failures During Product Installation

If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, a message like the following appears:

There is not enough space for subset subset-name
subset-name (subset-description) will not be loaded. 

Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist:

For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the DIGITAL UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. For information on system software requirements, see Section 1.4.3.

Following are error messages you might encounter during installation, along with explanations and suggested corrective steps.

Messages for CXXBASE600

Subset will not be installed on this version of the operating system. 
This subset must be installed only on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 or later. 

Explanation: Tried to install CXXBASEnnn on Version 3.2 or earlier. This is not supported.

For Subset to be installed you must install the Standard Programmer 
Commands subset for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 or higher (OSFPGMRnnn) 

User Action: Install the Standard Programmer Commands (OSFPGMRnnn) subset.

For Subset to be installed you must install the Compiler Back End 
subset for Digital UNIX V4.0 or higher (OSFCMPLRSnnn) 

User Action: Install the Compiler Back End (OSFCMPLRSnnn) subset. This includes the C compiler, cpp, ld, and so on.

You must remove currently installed CXXBASEnnn
before installing Subset 

User Action: You cannot install "on top" of existing subset. Enter the command setld -d CXXBASEnnn first.

For Subset to be installed you must first de-install older CXX subsets. 
Try: setld -i | grep CXX | grep installed 

User Action: Deinstall older CXX subsets.

Ladebug V4.0 does not appear to be currently installed. 
It is recommended that the Ladebug debugger supplied with this 
kit (or newer) be installed for best results when debugging 

User Action: Install Ladebug Version 4.0 or later to debug C++.

The installation verification procedure has failed. 
Please verify that CXXSHRDAnnn, CXXBASEnnn, and CXXHRDAnnn
are correctly installed. 

Explanation: A simple compilation test is run after the installation. If this failed, it could be because of a failure in the installation of the listed subsets or possibly a missing or expired PAK.

Messages for CXXLIB600

Subset will not be installed on this version of the operating system 
This subset must be installed only on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 or later 

Explanation: Tried to install CXXLIBnnn on Version 3.2 or earlier. This is not supported.

Messages for CXXHTML600

Subset will not be installed on this version of the operating system 
This subset must be installed only on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 or later 

Explanation: Tried to install CXXHTMLnnn on Version 3.2 or earlier. This is not supported.

Subset will not be installed if CXXREDISTnnn subset is installed. 
Please de-install any previously installed CXXREDISTnnn subsets. 

User Action: The CXXLIB subset cannot be installed if the C++ Runtime Library Redistribution (CXXREDISTnnn) is loaded. The user must first delete that subset using the command setld -d.

Messages for CXXOLD600

Subset will not be installed on this version of the operating system 
This subset must be installed only on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 or later. 

Explanation: Tried to install CXXOLDnnn on Version 3.2 or earlier. This is not supported.

Subset will not be installed without the DIGITAL C++ VERSION Base 

Explanation: You cannot install the -oldcxx compiler without the C++ base subset.

C.2 Failures During Product Use

If an error occurs while DIGITAL C++ is in use and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, please report it to DIGITAL.

If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC) by telephone or by using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, indicate the following:

Whether you submit information electronically or contact the appropriate support specialist by telephone, please take the following steps:

  1. Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. Include the description and version number of the DIGITAL C++ compiler being used. Demonstrate the problem with specific examples.
  2. Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible.
  3. Remember to include listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, or relevant data files, and so forth.
  4. Provide a listing of the program.
  5. If the program is longer than 50 lines, submit a copy of it on machine-readable media (diskette or magnetic tape). If necessary, also submit a copy of the program library used to build the application.
    For information about submitting media, see the tar(1) reference page.
  6. Report only one problem per report. This will facilitate a faster response.
  7. Mail the problem report to DIGITAL.

If the problem is related to DIGITAL C++ documentation, you can report the problem to the CSC (if you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement and the problem is severe); otherwise, send your comments about DIGITAL C++ documentation to the following Internet address:

If you have access to a FAX machine, you can also send comments or suggestions to:

DIGITAL C++ Documentation, ZKO2-3/K35

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