Computer Science

MProfStuds Dissertation: COMPSCI 791 A and B Semester 1/2

Structure: This is a compulsory 30-point dissertation course that is offered to Master of Professional Studies students only. You will be enrolled in COMPSCI 791A and COMPSCI 791B in consecutive semesters.

This research opportunity will introduce you to self-directed study in a specialised field of Computer Science. You will work closely with an academic member of staff, and develop your skills and knowledge in the agreed topic area. The form of study undertaken will vary widely, depending upon your chosen topic, which may require careful theoretical investigation or a large implementation.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval required.

Assessment: 100% on course assessment - dissertation.

Description: The project consists of supervised independent research or development work on a topic related to Data Science or Digital Security.

Enrolment: You will need to find a staff member to supervise your project before you are permitted to enrol in this course, and you will also need the permission of the Computer Science Project Coordinator. The signatures of the supervisor and the Project Coordinator are required on the MProfStuds Enrolment Approval Form. The Student Administrator will enrol you in this course once the completed Enrolment Approval Form has been received.

How to find a supervisor:

Submission: The project report is due at 5pm on the Monday after the last day of lectures in the semester of your enrolment in COMPSCI 791B. Email an electronic copy of your dissertation to your supervisor and the Student Administrator who will log your submission.

Note: It can take some time to examine your project report. You may not receive your grade in time to attend the upcoming graduation ceremony.

Relevant links:
COMPSCI Postgraduate Projects and Dissertations Guidelines
Academic integrity
Postgraduate Orientation
Guide to Theses and Dissertations
Master of Professional Studies in Data Science
Master of Professional Studies in Digital Security

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