Computer Science

Assignment resources: COMPSCI 773 Semester 1, City Campus

Ressources: Calibration data 2017: 7z file

Ressources: Calibration papers: 7z file

Ressources: Calibration data: 7z file

-------------Marking guideline and example report 2017----------------------------

Marking guideline: pdf-file

Example report: pdf-file

-------------Calibration data 2016----------------------------

Calibration Data Zip file

-------------Calibration data 2015----------------------------

Gopro reduced resolution 7z file

Images for assignment 4: 7z file

-------------Calibration data 2014----------------------------

W3 and Minoru 7z file

Gopro_data 7z file

Nikon D70 7z file

-------------Calibration data 2013----------------------------

Kinect data 17052013 7z file

W3 face database, Images, rectified images, depthmaps 7z

W3 face database images, rectified and rescaled (Miranda's data) zip

-------------Calibration data 2012----------------------------

W3 cube calibration image-binary JPG

W3 cube references JPG

W3 calibration data - including left-right images as MPO files 7z

calibration points (X ->, Y <-, Z up, origin bottom of the cube, index in file with increasing XZ and increasing YZ) XLS

calibration points (X YZ and xy - origin top left corner, x pointing rightwards, y downwards) XLS

773 - 2012 W3 images and calibration images for Zhang and Tsai 7z

773 - 2012 W3 images and calibration images for Zhang and Tsai (side by side) 7z

773 - 2013 A2 in-class data 7z


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