Computer Science



  • John Hosking(john@cs), Maths/Physics building, room 303.487, extension 88297
  • John Grundy(john-g@cs), Maths/Physics building, room 303.242 (ECE dept), extension 88761
  • Robert Amor (supervisor) (trebor@cs), Maths/Physics building, room 303.387, extension 83068
  • Santokh Singh (santokh@cs), Maths/Physics building, room 303.488, extension 82283
  • Gill Dobbie (gill@cs), Maths/Physics building, room 479, extension 83949 (office hours)
  • A variety of academic and industry guest lectures will also be contributing to the course


  • N/A

Class Representative

    Peter Chen peter.chen.g2w AT

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