Computer Science


Lectures notes and other handouts.

All lectures are in the Computer Science Seminar Room 303.279.

John and John's Lectures

The first section on ISDEs and meta tools will be taught by John Hosking and John Grundy

We will only occassionally be making use of the Thursday lecture slot

Lecture schedule is as follows:

  • Week 1: Mon: Software tools (JH), Tue: Frameworks (JH), Thu: Intro to Visual Languages (JH)
  • Week 2: Mon: DSVLs + handout class exercise (JG), Tue: Marama + Asst 1 (JG), Thu; no lecture
  • Week 3: Mon: Marama Extensions (JH), Tue: Other metatools (JH), Thu: no lecture
  • Week 4: Mon: EFPL (JG), Tue: Class Exercise on VLs (JG), Thu: no lecture

Robert's Lectures

Santokh's Lectures

Santokh's lectures will be structured as follows:

Other Lectures

Gill's Lecture: Databases and Semistructured Data

Ewan's Lecture: Tools for Producing Quality Software

Review Lecture: One overview slide from each lecturer

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