Computer Science


Assignment 1

Assignment 1 due Thu 5 April - now extended to 5pm Wed 11 April

Link to Marama download page

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 due Monday 14 May

Assignment 3

For Assignment 3, you need not bother about annotations at all. You just need to complete the “applicationContext.xml” file to aspectise the security concerns. Use the “” file to inject the security aspects. Hint: You need to uncomment the 2 lines under "public static void main..." in the main class and comment the third line out (i.e. comment out Function function = new Function();). Otherwise you can't use the Context file (i.e. the "example/applicationContext.xml" file).

Assignment 3 "Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD)" due Thursday 24th May 2007

Assignment Dropbox

For some assignments it is necessary for you to submit part or all of it electronically. Unless your lecturer told you otherwise, this is done through the Web Dropbox.

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