Computer Science


  • Securing Tomorrow, an all-day workshop on IT career opportunities, OGGB5, 10:15am-4:10pm, Saturday 4 October, $15. Registration required.
  • NZ Web Application Security Stats 2013 or What Value a Pentest Can Show?, NZISF breakfast meeting on 14 August 2014, 7:30am to 9am.
  • Computer security in the news:
  • Handling absence or illness:
    • If you must leave for family emergencies etc, PLEASE talk to the lecturer, or somehow get a message to the department. Very few problems are so urgent that we cannot be told quite quickly.
    • For problems affecting assignments or tests, see the lecturer (or send email, or call on the telephone).  This must be done as soon as reasonably possible, if we are to make alternative arrangements that will prevent you from getting a poor mark on this test or assignment.
    • For illness during exams (or other problems that affect exam performance) students MUST contact the Examinations Office as soon as possible, and in any event within a week. The time limits and other rules of the University's Aegrotat Policy are strictly enforced.
    • Many students have missed out on a whole semester of study because they just went away.  Many students have failed an examination because they did not report problems until they received the failing grade. In general, if there is a problem that will affect your study you should speak to someone as soon as possible.
    • Students should sit the examination if at all possible, even if they do nothing much more than hand in a script with their name.
    • Students should read the examinations handbook that they receive, and they should double-check the examination timetable to make sure they don't miss any of their exams.
Schedule (tentative)
  1. Week 1 (21 July - 25 July): Introduction; Basics of Security.
  2. Week 2 (28 July - 1 August): Introduction to Cryptography
  3. Week 3 (4 August - 8 August): Cryptographic Standards and Protocols
  4. Week 4 (11 August - 15 August): Software Law and Ethics
  5. Week 5 (18 August - 22 August): Report writing, with individual feedback.
  6. Week 6 (25 August - 29 August): Oral Presentations begin
    • Students who are scheduled to present in Week 8 should make a reservation for a tutorial session in Week 7, to practice their oral presentation.
  7. Mid-semester break (1 September - 13 September)
  8. Week 7 (15 September - 19 September).
    • Students who are scheduled to present in Week 9 should make a reservation for a tutorial session in Week 8, to practice their oral presentation.
  9. Week 8 (22 September - 26 September).
    • Students who are scheduled to present in Week 10 should make a reservation for a tutorial session in Week 9, to practice their oral presentation.
  10. Week 9 (30 September - 4 October).
  11. Week 10 (6 October - 10 October).
  12. Week 11 (11 October - 14 October).
    • Monday: Finalising your written report (cont.).
    • Wednesday: Practice final exam (ungraded, anonymous). We'll mark a sample of your answers, and discuss these on the last day of lectures.
    • Friday: Soft security (cont.)
    • Due 5pm Friday: written report, in .pdf or .docx or .odt format (5 MB limit), in Cecil dropbox.
  13. Week 12 (20 October - 24 October).

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