From: Roberto Suggi Sent: Thursday, 16 October 2008 9:45 a.m. Subject: [NZISIG] Cross Posting - Wed 5th November, 6.30pm @ Auckland: 20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Vodafone New Zealand - Wellington: Level 3, Lumley House - Hunter Street Hi everyone, The next OWASP NZ Chapter in Auckland will be kindly sponsored by Vodafone New Zealand. Special thanks to Andrew Dawey for this. will be sponsoring the event in Wellington. The meeting will be held the 5th November at 6.30 pm. An audio-conference will be setup between Auckland and Wellington. Sorry no video-conference this time. Auckland people: please note that PRE-REGISTRATION is mandatory. Please send an email to robertosl (at) with your first name and last name. **People who fails to pre-register will not be granted access to the Vodafone building**. Wellington people: location remains the same as the previous one and please reserve your attendance to Mark Pipes. Speakers will be Brett Moore from Insomnia Security and Beau Butler from Brett's presentation will be about "Common Application Flaws - Explain, Detect, Prevent". This presentation will cover a large number of common application vulnerabilities that are often seen in web applications. Each flaw will be explained and demonstrated and then advice will be provided on how to detect these issues in your applications, and how to prevent them from been exploited. The OWASP Top Ten will be covered and whatever else decides to fall into the slides. Topics will include authorisation and authentication, injection flaws, file handling, cryptography and secret handling, server configuration, logic flaws, and the most common mistakes in java, php, and Beau will talk about the most recent Clickjacking vulnerability and the various implications from a security point view. I will also be giving a very short talk on the recent advisory I disclosed to Opera and about the upcoming OWASP testing guide version 3. Regarding the next OWASP meeting, food and drinks will be provided as usual. Meeting co-sponsor: Vodafone New Zealand (Auckland) and (Wellington) Meeting Locations: Auckland Venue location: Vodafone New Zealand Ground Floor 20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Wellington Venue location: 3rd Floor Lumley House Hunter Street For more information about the current NZ OWASP activities please visit the following page: Thanks again, Roberto Suggi Liverani OWASP NZ Leader NOTE TO CISSP people: OWASP Meetings count towards CPE Credits. Sponsorships ========= Companies who would like to sponsor the event are welcomed to contact us. This is a not for profit event and sponsorship is inexpensive and used directly to cover costs. For further information please contact ======================= Roberto Suggi Liverani - robertosl81 (AT) - (021 928 780) Rob Munro - rob(at) - 021 677 785 Mark Piper - mark.piper(AT) - (021 590 598) (Wellington Contact)