From: Janczewski, Lech [] Sent: Monday, 29 September 2008 8:19 a.m. Subject: NZISF October meeting, 8.10.2008 To register for this seminar, click here To place your name on the NZISF mailing list, click here To remove your name from the NZISF mailing list, click here -- New Zealand Information Security Forum (NZISF) cordially invites you and your friends to the October 2008 breakfast meeting: Venue: The Auckland Club, 34 Shortland St, CBD, Auckland Date: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Time: 7:30 am Cost: NZISF, NZSA and NZCS members - $30, students - $20, all others - $ 35, Cash or cheque, no credit cards. Topic: Identity Theft and fraud Identity Theft and related fraud are a growing Industry. Identity theft is as old as personal identities. However modern information systems enable this type of crime to be committed at a distance (even over National boundaries) and on a scale that is unprecedented. The problem is compounded by the commercial drive to make systems easy to use and then balance this against security of personal data. The talk will look at the growth of Identity theft, common practices in this area , and two High profile New Zealand criminal cases for which the speaker provided the computer forensics and expert testimony. Presenter: Mike Spence Mike has over 27 years’ international management experience in the IT industry. This has been gained in New Zealand, UK, Australia and Switzerland. Prior to the formation of deCipher, Mike's roles included the Head of IT for the South Yorkshire Probation Service. Head of Police IT Security Systems for the APEC meeting of 21 world leaders held in Auckland and Senior IT manager with the NZ Police, Mike also established the Police Northern Region computer forensics department. Mike gives evidence in court as an expert witness in Computer Forensics and he also currently acts as the guest lecturer in computer forensics at the University of Auckland. -- This meeting of the New Zealand Information Security Forum is proudly sponsored by: Lech J. Janczewski NZISF Chair