The Faculty of Science & The University Careers Centre invites Science students and staff  to:

 Science@ Work Careers Fair 2006

Wednesday 20th September 2006:  5-7 pm
Engineering Atrium - 20 Symonds Street

Most of these exhibitors will also give seminars on careers in their fields:


Auckland District Health Board, Adis/Kluwer Health (medical publishers), Agresearch, Agriquality, ANZ,  Baldwins (intellectual property), Colmar Brunton (market research), Connell Wagner, Counties Manukau District Health Board, Defence Technology Agency, Department of Corrections,  Douglas Pharmaceuticals, ESR (Environmental Science & Research), UoA Faculty of Education, First Data Utilities, (Peace Computers), Fonterra, Healtheries NZ, Hort Research, IBM, Kingett  Mitchell, Landcare Research, Market Research Society,  MCA NZ Ltd (actuaries), Maurice Wilkins Centre (biomed. research), Microsoft, National Bank, Navman, NZ Steel, NZ Winegrowers, NIWA, NZBio,  NZ Police, NZ Speech Language Therapists Assn, Opus Consultants, Orion Health, Plastics Institute of NZ, Scion Research, (formerly Forest Research), Uniservices, Vero (insurance), Vodafone


A fun evening that’ll also be great for your career – drop by & enjoy the pizza too!