R. Smith, "Cost profile of a highly assured, secure operating system", in ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 4(1), pp. 72-101, February 2001. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/383775.383778 ABSTRACT The Logical Coprocessing Kernel (LOCK) began as a research project to stretch the state of the art in secure computing by trying to meet or even exceed the "A1" requirements of the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). Over the span os seven years, the project was transformed into an effort to develop and deploy a product: the Standard Mail Guard (SMG). Since the project took place under a US government contract, the development team needed to maintain detailed records of the time spent on the project. The records from 1987 to 1992 have been combined with information about software code size and error detection. This information has been used to examine the practical impacts of high assurance techniques on a large-scale software development program. Tasks are associated with the A1 formal assurance requirements added approximately 58% to the development cost of security-critical software. In exchange for these costs, the formal assurance tasks (formal specifications, proofs, and specification code correspondence) uncovered 68% of the security flaws detected in LOCK's critical security mechanisms. However, a study of flaw detection during the SMG program found that only 14% of all flaws detected were of the type that could be detected using formal assurance, and that the work of the formal assusrance team only accounted for 19% of all flaws detected. While formal assurance is clearly effective at detecting flaws, its practicality hinges on the degree to which the formally modeled system properties represent all of a system's esential properties.