2 The University of Auckland - COMPSCI 725 S2 C

Computer Science

Archived Announcements

  • 15 October: Open Day IT at Tamaki Campus.
  • 13 October, 7:30am: NZISF Forum on "WLAN Security - Latest Developments".
  • 12 October, 5pm - 7pm: Science @ Work Careers Fair, Engineering Atrium, 20 Symonds St. "Beer and Pizza available."
  • 30 September: I have responded to all of your Assignment 2 submissions by email, in first-come first-serve order. If you have submitted something to me, and I have not yet responded, please resend -- I may have misfiled your submission, or it may not have reached me.
  • 28 September's lecture will be held in Room 169, rather than in Room 279, because staff will be setting up Room 279 for a graduation breakfast on the following morning. Room 169 is on Level 1 of the older wing of Building 303 (the Math/Physics building). To get there from Room 279, you should go down one floor, past the lockers, and past Room 175; go through the double doors into the older wing of the building and you'll find Room 169 on your left.
  • Friday 16 September in Lib B15: research group presentations to all stage-3 and stage-4 students. There will be no lecture in COMPSCI 725 on this day! We will try to reschedule Jim Goodman's guest lecture on R Lee et al., "Architecture for Protecting Critical Secrets in Microprocessors", in Proc. ISCA'05, IEEE, pp. 2-13, 2005.
  • Thursday 15 September, Friday 16 September: instructor will be attending a conference in Melbourne. Tutorial sections will be cancelled on those days. Students presenting during the week of 19-23 September are encouraged to attend the Tuesday 13 September tutorial, a specially-scheduled "makeup" tutorial Wednesday 14 September (2-3pm in room 561), or a specially-scheduled "makeup" tutorial Monday 19 September (4-5pm in room 561).
  • Wednesday 24 August, 2pm, seminar on Johnny 2: A User Test of Key Continuity Management with S/MIME and Outlook Express, Simpson Garfinkel, Harvard University.
  • 26 August: I am responding to your Assignment 1 submissions by email, in first-come first-serve order. My goal is to respond within 10 days. My responses to your topic proposal are only suggestions, not requirements! There is no "approval" process for your topic. You should refine your topic, search for suitable references, etc. while you wait for my comments.
  • 26 August: I have not yet begun to mark the oral presentations made to date. I mark these in batches of approximately ten, for efficiency and so that I can maintain a level of consistency in my marking. Each presenter will eventually receive email from me with your marks, and with some comments describing the marks.
  • Friday 19 August: tutorial will not be held. Students presenting during the week of 22 Aug are encouraged to attend the Thursday 18 Aug tutorial (2-3pm in room 279), a specially-scheduled "makeup" tutorial Monday 22 Aug (4-5pm in room 561), or the regularly scheduled tutorial Tuesday 23 Aug (10-11am in room 279).
  • Friday 19 August: Simpson Garfinkel will give a guest lecture on cryptography. Students should read pp. 1-11 of Schneier's text [R19] in advance of this lecture.
  • Thursday 11 August, 7:30am, breakfast seminar on Forensic Results from 236 Used Hard Drives, Simson Garfinkel, Harvard University.
  • University staff are taking strike action to acheive national collective agreements and acceptable salary offiers. Classes, labs, administrative services, library and other scheduled services at seven universities will be affected all day on 20 July and 4 August. More information.
  • Tuesday 2 August, 5pm, seminar on WiMax - The next major wireless standard, G Antonello, Chairman of the WiMax Technical Group.
  • Tuesday 26 July, 10:15-11:45am, two talks on Network Security by Abe Sanger.
  • Fees are overdue (poster, detailed information).
  • The time for Wednesday lectures was listed incorrectly on my website and first-day handouts. The correct time is Wed 4-5pm. I apologise for the confusion.
  • We should elect a student representative, see the AUSA Class Reps page for more information. 

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