From: Ian Mitchell [] Sent: Tuesday, 31 August 2004 2:01 p.m. Subject: [ImInIT] AntiSpam Legislation Law of IT 21st September Bell Gully 48 Shortland St 6pm for 6:30pm 1st Notice Law of IT Discussions on legal aspects of the ICT industry Proposed Anti-Spam Legislation The NZCS has proposed legislation to protect users from Spam and Viruses. Five proposals have been put forward for a Safe PCs, Safe Internet, Email advertising, Secure Certification, Trusted Source Server and various minor issues. We will discuss how these recommendations might fit with existing law. See the NZCS AntiSpan Document . Presenter: Ian Mitchell and Bell Gully lawyers When: Tuesday September 21, 2004 6:00pm for 6:30pm to 7:50pm Where: Bell Gully, Vero Building, 48 Shortland Street Cost: $45 or see Discounts for Members of NZSA, NZCS and see Virtual Concession Cards Please ensure you are registered before you enrol for this event. Enrol _____ For members of the NZCS attendance contributes one hour to your Professional Development Units. To see all Auckland events go to There you may register and set your personal List Opt-In/Opt-Out. If you have enrolled and then are unable to attend please Cancel Important note. Cancellation will not be accepted within 48 hours of the event. For help Contact Us